Info: (Incomplete)
This is a Cooperative open world medieval RPG. We will start when 2 people join. Maximum of 6 people. There can not be two people that are the same class. Stats can go into negative numbers here is what they do:
Every vitality below 0 Take away 5 from health
Every stamina below 0 Take away 5 from energy
Every wisdom below 0 Take away 5 from mana
every 2 constitution below 0 you take 1 extra damage
every strength below 0 you do 1 less damage than your skill power for melee attacks
every dexterity below 0 you do 1 less damage than your skill power for Ranged attacks
every intelligence below 0 you do 1 less damage than your skill power for magic attacks
every agility below 0 theres a 2% chance that you're so slow the enemy has a chance to attack twice and deal double damage
Let me explain to you the tri-dimensional theory or as we say fact. This theory says that there are 3 dimensions. One without magic, one where magic replaces technology and one where they have both. We call these the tech dimension, the magic dimension and the harmony dimension respectively. The magic dimension has weird weather and biomes. In this RPG you are a fighter from the magic dimension. In the magic dimension there are 4 kingdoms each home to a race. Human, Orc, Elf or Dwarf. Now day a fifth kingdom rose up the kingdom of undead. They declared war on the other kingdoms, this RPG takes place around 300 years in the future of the war. The war ended around 295 years ago but undead have been reported near every kingdom.
Character sheet:
Class: (see below)
Race: (see below)
2 Silver
4 Silver to @danwar and @loop_stratos they were very helpful in the construction thread.
Health: 50/50
Energy: 50/50
Mana: 50/50
Chance to dodge: (Based on Stats)
Damage reduction: (Based on Stats)
Melee damage edition: (Based on Stats)
Ranged damage edition: (Based on Stats)
Magic damage edition: (Based on Stats)
Stats: (Pool of 35 + class bonus (see below)
Vitality: (Every vitality add 5 to health)
Stamina: (Every stamina add 5 to energy)
Wisdom: (Every wisdom add 5 to mana)
Agility: (every agility add 2% to chance to dodge)
Constitution (every 2 constitution add 1 to damage reduction)
Strength: (every strength add 1 to Melee damage edition the damage you deal for melee attacks is your skills power plus your Melee damage edition)
Dexterity: (every dexterity add 1 to Ranged damage edition the damage you deal for ranged attacks is your skills power plus your Ranged damage edition)
Intelligence: (every Intelligence add 1 to Magic damage edition the damage you deal for magic attacks is your skills power plus your Magic damage edition)
Skills: (Pool of 5)
(Based on class)
Abilities: (Based on skills)
Passive abilities: (Based on skills)
Status effects:
No element
No pros
No cons
+3 Strength
+4 Stamina
+4 Vitality
+4 constitution
- 4 Agility
- 3 Intelligence
- 3 Dexterity
- 4 Wisdom
+7 Dexterity
+4 Stamina
+4 Agility
- 5 Vitality
- 5 constitution
+3 Strength
+2 Stamina
+8 Vitality
+8 Constitution
- 6 Intelligence
- 6 Dexterity
- 6 Wisdom
Fighter Classes:
Class special:
Name: Fighting Aura
Type: Aura
Use: At the beginning of your turn there is a 1/5 chance for each enemy to be inflicted with bleed. The tier and amount of turns is equal your level.
Iron longsword [+3 strength, +2 agility, one hand, Dual, Melee]
Steel longsword [+5 strength, +3 agility, one hand, Dual, Melee]
Dwarvensteel longsword [+7 strength, +4 agility, one hand, Dual, Melee]
Iron broadsword [+7 strength, -4 agility, two hands, Melee]
Steel broadsword [+11 strength, -4 agility, two hands, Melee]
Dwarvensteel broadsword [+16 strength, -4 agility, two hands, Melee]
Iron Shield [+4 constitution, one hand, Block]
Steel Shield [+6 constitution, one hand, Block]
Dwarvensteel Shield [+8 constitution, one hand, Block]
Warrior Weapons (10 levels)
Elemental Strikes (10 levels)
+6 Strength
+6 Stamina
+4 Vitality
+4 constitution
-6 agility
Class special:
Name: Chivalry
Type: Stat
Use: every chivalry add 1 to Mount damage edition the damage you deal for mount attacks is your skills power plus your Mount damage edition
Iron Knightsword [+4 strength, one hand, Only usable when not on mount, melee]
Steel Knightsword [+6 strength, one hand, Only usable when not on mount, melee]
Dwarvensteel Knightsword [+8 strength, one hand, Only usable when not on mount, melee]
Iron Lance [+6 strength, +2 chivalry, one hand, Only usable when on mount, melee]
Steel Lance [+8 strength, +4 chivalry, one hand, Only usable when on mount, melee]
Dwarvensteel Lance [+10 strength, +6 chivalry, one hand, Only usable when on mount, melee]
Iron Shield [+4 constitution, one hand, Block]
Steel Shield [+6 constitution, one hand, Block]
Dwarvensteel Shield [+8 constitution, one hand, Block]
Weak Mule [+3 Chivalry, +3 agility, Mount]
Trusty Steed [+5 Chivalry, +6 agility, Mount]
Pegasus [+7 Chivalry, +9 agility, Can fly, Mount]
Knight Weapons (10 levels)
Mounts (10 levels)
+4 Strength
+4 Stamina
+2 Vitality
+2 constitution
Class special:
Name: Rage
Type: Meter
Use: When you deal damage you gain the amount of damage dealt divided by 5 rounded to the nearest 1 rage. You can spend 3 on the T1 berserker effects no matter what health you have. 6 on T2, 9 on T3, 12 on T4 15 on T5 18 on T6 21 on T7 24 on T8 27 on T9 and 30 on T10. You can use rage as well as an ability on the same turn.
Iron broadsword [+7 strength, -4 agility, two hands, Melee]
Steel broadsword [+11 strength, -4 agility, two hands, Melee]
Dwarvensteel broadsword [+16 strength, -4 agility, two hands, Melee]
Iron Battleaxe [+5 strength, -4 agility, two hands, Attacks with this have a 25% chance to inflict bleed T1, melee]
Steel battleaxe [+8 strength, -4 agility, two hands, Attacks with this have a 45% chance to inflict bleed T3, melee]
Dwarvensteel battleaxe [+13 strength, -4 agility, two hands, Attacks with this have a 65% chance to inflict bleed T5, melee]
Iron warhammer [+5 strength, -4 agility, two hands, Attacks with this ignore 50% of armor not counting shields, melee]
Steel warhammer [+8 strength, -4 agility, two hands, Attacks with this ignore 50% of armor not counting shields, melee]
Dwarvensteel warhammer [+13 strength, -4 agility, two hands, Attacks with this ignore 50% of armor not counting shields, melee]
Iron Mace [+9 strength, -6 agility, two hands, melee]
Steel Mace [+13 strength, -6 agility, two hands, melee]
Dwarvensteel Mace [+8 strength, -6 agility, two hands, melee]
Berserker Weaponry (10 levels)
Elemental Strikes (10 levels)
Berserking (10 levels)
+9 Strength
+2 Stamina
-2 agility
Ranged Classes:
Class special:
Name: Range
Type: Perk
Use: If you see an enemy and they don’t see you, you can attack from a range and the enemy first turn will always be walking up to you unless they have a ranged weapon.
Oak Slingshot [+3 dexterity, +4 agility, two hand, Ranged]
Mahogany Slingshot [+5 dexterity, +4 agility, two hands, Ranged]
Elvenwood Slingshot [+7 dexterity, +4 agility, two hands, Ranged]
Oak Shortbow [+5 dexterity , +2 agility, two hand, Ranged]
Mahogany Shortbow [+7 dexterity, +2 agility, two hands, Ranged]
Elvenwood Shortbow [+9 dexterity, +2 agility, two hands, Ranged]
Oak Crossbow [+7 dexterity , two hand, Ranged]
Mahogany Crossbow [+9 dexterity, two hands, Ranged]
Elvenwood Crossbow [+11 dexterity, two hands, Ranged]
Oak Longbow [+9 dexterity , -2 agility, two hand, Ranged]
Mahogany Longbow [+11 dexterity, -2 agility, two hands, Ranged]
Elvenwood Longbow [+13 dexterity, -2 agility, two hands, Ranged]
Archery (10 levels)
Elemental Shots (10 levels)
+6 Dexterity
+4 Stamina
+4 Agility
-2 constitution
Beast Tamer:
Class special:
Name: Beast Fury
Type: Perk
Use: If a beast gets the final kill on an enemy you gain twice as much gold and xp.
Whip [+5 strength, one hand, +10% chance totem beasts, melee]
Reinforced Whip [+8 strength, one hand, +25% chance totem beasts, melee]
Giant Whip [+11 strength, one hand, +35% chance totem beasts, melee]
Oak Crossbow [+7 dexterity , two hand, Ranged]
Mahogany Crossbow [+9 dexterity, two hands, Ranged]
Elvenwood Crossbow [+11 dexterity, two hands, Ranged]
Oak Longbow [+9 dexterity , -2 agility, two hand, Ranged]
Mahogany Longbow [+11 dexterity, -2 agility, two hands, Ranged]
Elvenwood Longbow [+13 dexterity, -2 agility, two hands, Ranged]
Archery (10 levels)
Whips (10 levels)
Beast taming (10 levels)
+4 Dexterity
+4 Stamina
+4 Strength
Magic Classes:
Weather Wizard:
Class special:
Name: Weather control
Type: Perk
Use: You can change the weather at will.
Beat-up Spellbook [ +2 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Papyrus Spell book [ +4 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Tornado Spell book [ +6 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Oak Wand [ +4 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Mahogany Wand [ +6 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Thunderbird Wand [ +8 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Oak Staff [ +5 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Mahogany Staff [ +8 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Flight Staff [ +10 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Glass orb [ +7 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Magiglass orb [ +10 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Storm orb [ +12 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Lightning magic (10 levels)
Wind magic (10 levels)
One more like raising dead or shapeshifting. (10 levels)
Utility magic (10 levels)
+8 Intelligence
+4 Wisdom
-4 constitution
Class special:
Name: Ice armor
Type: Perk
Use: Immunity to frost damage.
Beat-up Spellbook [ +2 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Papyrus Spell book [ +4 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Lake Spell book [ +6 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Oak Wand [ +4 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Mahogany Wand [ +6 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Yeti Wand [ +8 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Oak Staff [ +5 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Mahogany Staff [ +8 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Aqua Staff [ +10 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Glass orb [ +7 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Magiglass orb [ +10 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Blizzard orb [ +12 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Ice magic (10 levels)
Water magic (10 levels)
One more like raising dead or shapeshifting. (10 levels)
Utility magic (10 levels)
+4 Intelligence
+2 Wisdom
Class special:
Name: Essence
Type: Meter
Use: When you deal damage you gain the damage you dealt divided by 2 rounded to the nearest 1 essence. You can use essence in place of mana to cast spells at half the cost for example mana cost 8 would be essence cost 4.
Beat-up Spellbook [ +2 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Papyrus Spell book [ +4 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Flaming Spell book [ +6 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Oak Wand [ +4 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Mahogany Wand [ +6 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Steel Wand [ +8 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Oak Staff [ +5 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Mahogany Staff [ +8 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Phoenix Staff [ +10 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Glass orb [ +7 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Magiglass orb [ +10 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Metallic orb [ +12 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Metal magic (10 levels)
Fire magic (10 levels)
One more like raising dead or shapeshifting. (10 levels)
Utility magic (10 levels)
+6 Intelligence
+3 Wisdom
-2 constittution
Class special:
Name: Biome manipulation
Type: Perk
Use: You can change the biome at will. You can not change the biome in a city biome or to a city biome.
Beat-up Spellbook [ +2 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Papyrus Spell book [ +4 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Terra Spell book [ +6 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Oak Wand [ +4 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Mahogany Wand [ +6 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Vine Wand [ +8 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Oak Staff [ +5 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Mahogany Staff [ +8 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Earthquake Staff [ +10 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Glass orb [ +7 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Magiglass orb [ +10 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Life orb [ +12 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Earth magic (10 levels)
Life magic (10 levels)
Shapeshifting (10 levels)
Utility magic (10 levels)
+4 Intelligence
+8 Wisdom
-3 constittution
Class special:
Name: Bone manipulation
Type: Perk
Use: If you are disarmed instead of taking your turn to grab your weapon or fighting without one. You may conjure a weapon made from bone, while wielding a bone weapon you cannot use any skills and you use only one depending on your weapon and your level.
Beat-up Spellbook [ +2 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Papyrus Spell book [ +4 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Skull Spell book [ +6 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Oak Wand [ +4 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Mahogany Wand [ +6 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Dark Wand [ +8 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Oak Staff [ +5 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Mahogany Staff [ +8 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Grim Staff [ +10 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Glass orb [ +7 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Magiglass orb [ +10 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Shadow orb [ +12 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Bone weapons:
Bone Sword [+5 strength, While using this weapon you can only use a no cost melee skill that has a skill power of 3xyour level, two hands, bone]
Bone Bow [+5 dexterity, While using this weapon you can only use a no cost ranged skill that has a skill power of 3xyour level, two hands, bone]
Bone Staff [+5 intelligence, While using this weapon you can only use a no cost magic skill that has a skill power of 3xyour level, two hands, bone]
Shadow magic (10 levels)
Death magic (10 levels)
Raising dead (10 levels)
Utility magic (10 levels)
+4 Intelligence
+3 Wisdom
+2 strength
+2 dexterity
-1 constitution
Holy Classes:
Class special:
Name: Healing Aura
Type: Aura
Use: At the beginning of your turn there is a 1/5 chance for each ally to be inflicted with heal, the tier to your level.
Beat-up Spellbook [ +2 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Papyrus Spell book [ +4 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Healing Spell book [ +6 intelligence, +6 agility, one hand, magic]
Oak Wand [ +4 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Mahogany Wand [ +6 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Bright Wand [ +8 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, magic]
Oak Staff [ +5 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Mahogany Staff [ +8 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Heaven Staff [ +10 intelligence, two hands, magic]
Glass orb [ +7 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Magiglass orb [ +10 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Sun orb [ +12 intelligence, -3 agility, two hands, magic]
Light magic (10 levels)
Utility magic (10 levels)
+2 Intelligence
+2 Wisdom
+8 Vitality
-1 constitution
Class special:
Name: Blessing Aura
Type: Aura
Use: At the beginning of your turn there is a 1/5 chance for each allies stats to be raised by 2 for 2 turns.
Holy Iron warhammer [+4 strength, +3 intelligence, -5 agility, two hands, Attacks with this ignore 50% of armor not counting shields, melee]
Holy Steel warhammer [+7 strength, +6 intelligence, -5 agility, two hands, Attacks with this ignore 50% of armor not counting shields, melee]
Holy Dwarvensteel warhammer [+12 strength, +11 intelligence, -5 agility, two hands, Attacks with this ignore 50% of armor not counting shields, melee]
Holy Iron longsword [+2 strength, +1 intelligence, +1 agility, one hand, Dual, Melee]
Holy Steel longsword [+4 strength, +3 intelligence, +2 agility, one hand, Dual, Melee]
Holy Dwarvensteel longsword [+6 strength, +5 intelligence, +3 agility, one hand, Dual, Melee]
Holy Iron broadsword [+6 strength, +5 intelligence, -5 agility, two hands, Melee]
Holy Steel broadsword [+10 strength, +9 intelligence, -5 agility, two hands, Melee]
Holy Dwarvensteel broadsword [+14 strength, +13 intelligence, -5 agility, two hands, Melee]
Holy Iron Shield [+2 constitution, +2 wisdom, one hand, Block]
Holy Steel Shield [+4 constitution, +4 wisdom, one hand, Block]
Holy Dwarvensteel Shield [+6 constitution, +6 wisdom, one hand, Block]
Light magic (10 levels)
Paladin Weaponry (10 levels)
+4 Intelligence
+4 Strength
+4 Vitality
Class special:
Name: Praying
Type: Perk
Use: You may pray to the gods inside or outside of battle. If you do it inside battle it does not take up your turn. There is a one turn cooldown in between praying. When you pray there is a 1/20 (1) chance you lose 15 Hp, 9/20 (2-10) nothing happens 2/20 (18-19) chance you get healed to full health, 1/20 (20) chance you get 5 stat points, 2/20 (16-17) chance all enemies in your current battle (If you pray inside battle) or next battle (of you pray out side of battle) lose 30 hp and a 5/20 (11-15) chance to get healed by 20 Hp.
Iron spear [+3 strength, +2 agility, two hands, melee]
Steel spear [+6 strength, +2 agility, two hands, melee]
Dwarvensteel spear [+9 strength, +2 agility, two hands, melee]
Iron Gauntlets [+5 strength, two hands, melee]
Steel Gauntlets [+8 strength, two hands, melee]
Dwarvensteel Gauntlets [+11 strength, two hands, melee]
Iron Pike [+7 strength, -4 agility, two hands, melee]
Steel Pike [+10 strength, -4 agility, two hands, melee]
Dwarvensteel Pike [+13 strength, -4 agility, two hands, melee]
Iron Halberd [+9 strength, -6 agility, two hands, melee]
Steel Halberd [+12 strength, -6 agility, two hands, melee]
Dwarvensteel Halberd [+15 strength, -6 agility, two hands, melee]
Monk Weaponry (10 levels)
Meditation (10 levels)
+4 Strength
+4 Vitality
+4 Stamina
Class special:
Name: Stealth
Type: Stat
Use: Used in most stealth skills.
Speed (10 levels)
Stealth (10 levels)
Poison (10 levels)
+3 Strength
+4 Stamina
+10 Agility
-4 Constitution
To do:
-Skill trees
-Status effects (Disarm)
-complete Info
-Think of a skill like raising dead or shapeshifting for storm wizard, aquamancer and Sorcerer
Similar to weather but they determine the enemies you encounter too.
Fire: Damage over time, eats armor away over time.
Poison: Damage over time, ignores all defense.
Cut: Damage over time, critical hits easier.
Stun: Harder to move.
Frozen: I don't know.
Sleep: "[Pokemon] is fast asleep!"
Disarm: You're asking? Obiviously it'd get rid of equippeed items disarmed.
We already have status effects in the OP I put it here because I need to remember to copy and paste them as well as thinking of an air one. I also know what disarm will do I just put it there to remember to at it for the necro special to make sense.
Of what?
What a class special is, weather, biomes, etc.
Uh... a necromancer's job is to raise the dead.
Shapeshifting... too absurd for me.
Nero has raising dead druid has shapeshifting but I need something similar for the other 3 magic classes.