I present to you my first long term four game! All of the other RPGs I have made up to this point you can consider those just a test! To see what types of fourm games I like and which ones I abandoned. Now with that research in mind I can create an RPG that will be fun for both me and my players. Now I want this too be a long term RPG. Thats means I will not abandon this RPG but I need players that are really interested and won't get bored of this RPG I know you don't know what its about yet but we are almost there in fact I will explain now!
This RPG is a sequel to one of my favorite RPGs! It will have many! And I mean many Classes it will be free roam and medieval. it will have a stat based battle system but absolutely no luck (At least for the most part). Anyway that raps up the description (If you want more just tell me what you want like storyline or char sheet) now we get into what I need you for!
Having so many classes has a down side I need an in-depth skill tree for all of them! I just need you to suggest skills for them and I will put it into a skill tree. To give you an idea of power and cost the weakest skill could cost 1 mana or energy and have a power of 3 while the strongest could cost 50 mana or energy and deal 50 damage. Format is like this:
[power, mana or energy cost , special effects (below)]
Damage over time effects:
Corresponding element: Fire
High damage over time Includes armor
5 tiers
Corresponding element: water
low-high damage over time gets stronger as it goes. Ignores armor.
5 tiers
Corresponding element: Poison
Mid damage over time ignores armor
5 tiers
Cut: (Suggestions needed)
Corresponding element: Metal
5 tiers
Shock: (Belongs to 2 categories)
Corresponding element: Lightning
Very low damage over time also slows.
5 tiers
Slowing effects:
Shock: (Belongs to 2 categories)
Corresponding element: Lightning
Very low damage over time also slows.
5 tiers
Alright after a lot of time (I mean this was posted back in january!) I think its time to face reality. This isn't going to happen, at least not at this scale. Perhaps a ultimate medieval V2 might happen but not in the immediate future and not at the scale that it was originally going to be.