ForumsForum GamesPotentes Humanum (RPG)

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2,419 posts

The background.

It's the distant future. Humans have traversed the nearby planets. On Jupiter, we found a unstable element called skilltonium. It's atomic structure changed to fit with any other element put in the nearby area, so it is highly valued. When we surfaced the first batch of skilltonium, it bonded with the dirt and iron, creating fiends, who were deformed and presummed brainless. But then it caught sight of the skilltonium, and consumed the first miners and the first batch. From then on, we've been in a war with these creatures, utilizing the skilltonium to bolster our own abilities.

The tech.

When earth's natural resources started to dwindle, we found a way to convert earth to data. We did so, and now earth contains portals in and out of this data world. Only things not created by the data can travel through these portals, because anything made of data dissipates into the portal itself, destroying it. Because everything on earth is data, anything is possible on it. As such, it became a "Hub world" of sorts, for humans to come back to, to relax, sell treasures found on other planets, and to socialize.

The planets.

Mercury - fiends traveled to this planet, overtaking the human population and enhancing their fire related abilities.
Venus - tamed by humans, but inhabited by fiends here and there, this world has become a new earth of sorts. Most human here dislike the data world of earth.
Mars - dubbed, "the discovery planet," tests of all sorts are done here by scientists, because it offers a wide variety of habitats. Fiends here have been tamed, and occasionally work with the scientists.
Jupiter - Battles rage day and night here. Fiends and miners do war continuously for the precious skilltonium. Only for the brave of heart or dumb of mind.
Saturn - only inhabited by fiends, due to the fact that the rings somehow block out portals. No one knows what happens here or beyond this point.

The skilltonium.

Skilltonium had an interesting effect on humans. It bonds with them, and changes their abilities, their skills, based on the personality of the bonded human. Small doses slightly enhance anything, but large doses tend to cause insanity, giantism, and rage. These behemoth humans are forced to leave earth. If they retain any brain function, they tend to become rulers of fiend clans.

The rules.

1. My game, my dice, my verdict. You are just the player. I use for my dice.
2. Player versus player is allowed, assuming A) both players agree or B) you are In a fiend controlled zone.
3. Confused? Daunted? Ask me questions at pitmaster226(at)
4. Have fun.
5. You ATTEMPT to do things. If you say "I cut the wire to get through" it will be read by me as "I ATTEMPT to cut the wire and go through if I suceed.
7. ALWAYS follow rule 6.

The signup.

Signup here, by following these steps.
1. Copy the Char sheet (below)
2. Paste char sheet.
3. Edit areas I tell you to edit.
4. Wait for me to respond.
5. Do what I tell you.
6. Give feedback on your revised char sheet.
7. Repeat steps 4 through 6.

The question and answers.


The char sheet.

Name: (required)
Age: (13-any)
Bio: (Required)
Personality: (not required. Helpful.)
Class: (required. You must make something that implies your role. "Fighter" doesn't help me. "Ninja warrior of death and destruction" helps me.)
HP: 100/100
Skills: 0/10
Active: (you may choose some from the ideas thread, or you may wait for me to give you a list to choose from, or a mixture of both.)
Passive: (read active.)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none (your shop names. May become a second (locked) thread.)
Inventory: (you may choose some items to start with. Nothing over powered.)
Equipment: (your equipped items. These are the only things that effect your stats.)
Currency: 0 (do I really need to explain?)

Hello, I'm (insert name here) and I'm signing up for Potentes Humanum


None needed yet.

Players (and locations)

None yet.

Waiting list.


(Maybe unfinished. You never know.)

  • 106 Replies
2,555 posts

Ok so am I still the co-host or should I create a character?

5,291 posts

Ok so am I still the co-host or should I create a character?

The latter, most likely.

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wanders the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks
Class: Long-Range Fire Support/Sniper(The both's basically same, pick the one you think is more detailed :P )
HP: 100/100
Skills: 0/10
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Currency: 0

I left the empty, empty. I will wait for your list for skills.

2,419 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wanders the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks
Class: Long-Range Fire support
HP: 100/100
Skills: 0/10
Bullet burst (low, me, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Pinpoint (low, long, Charge for x turns. Boost atk by x stages, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Tracer round (low, long, Reveal self, next turn acc is 100%, 3)
Slash (med, melee, 1)
Stab (med, melee, More dmg the lower the opponents HP is. 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
Prohibitor (-1 stage to atk, -3 points)
Curse (-5 hp/turn, -10 points)
Steadfast (+to dmg and def exponentially per turn while effect is active. 4)

(Choose up to 10 points worth. No more, no less, don't cheat.)

EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: (clothes?)
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife
Currency: 0

@Loop_Stratos Fair enough?

@nivlac724 Yea, no co host unless lowco1 wants to.

5,291 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wanders the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 100/100
Skills: 4/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife
Currency: 0

If i count it right, it's 10.
Btw, in case of confusion, he no longer lives in the forest. It's the past.

2,419 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wanders the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 100/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

You wake up. It's a misty morning. It always is, that's the way this town likes it. You decide to get up and dawn your armor, the same way you always do, just in case. You go outside and check the mail. Nothing new, as per usual. Digital posters are strewn about, talking about the latest on Mars, how cool it is on Venus, and the recruitment going on now on Jupiter. As always, the portal nearby is active, but surrounded by punks. Where do you go? What do you do?

OOC I thought you were talking about the past. You got me confused with the different tenses in there. BTW, I'm going to tag you in posts concerning you, if you don't want this, just say so @Loop_Stratos

5,291 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wanders the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 100/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

OOC: English is not my main language.

Don't tag me all the time. Will probably result in my Yahoo Mail being raided. :P

Also, don't ever make Curse and Regenerative body Compatible. For the good of balance.


I check the Recruitment in Jupiter in detail.

2,419 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 100/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

OOC: Really? I couldn't tell. You normally do very well.

Also, yeah, I know. I knew that going in with the move.

IC: You head over to the poster and examine it.
"The Jupiter military is in need of recruits! YOU could join them, to fight for what is ours! To start gaining your 3000 credits per day AND a tier two key card in ten days, come to the recruitment center in grand central Athien to see if you are eligible."

5,291 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 100/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

I prepare what i need, then go to the specified place.

2,555 posts

Name: Nivlac
Age: 27
Bio: Nivlac is an orphan who travels the planets fighting fiends with the help of skilltonium
Personality: Confident, Persevering, Dishonest.
CLASS: Attack over defense, melee berserker
HP: 100/100
Skills: 0/10
ACTIVE: Destructive blade (High, melee, destroy terrain, stun self, 3),
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
LOCATION: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
INVENTORY: Reinforced Robes
Equipment: Bent Healing staff
Currency: 0

(I realized there are not much melee skills can I create some? Also you never gave berserk a cost and I would like to use it.)

2,419 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 100/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

You make sure you have everything before you lock the door and head into the city. You're not particularly exited, because Athien is full of upper class snobs. You get there and see a training portal, to weed through canidates. Many middle aged men are lining up, of all different sizes, builds, and statures. When you arrive at the desk after a short wait, you're asked,"Class, skill level, and name please. These are required for me to send you through the training portal."

Name: Nivlac
Age: 27
Bio: Nivlac is an orphan who travels the planets fighting fiends with the help of skilltonium
Personality: Confident, Persevering, Dishonest.
Class: Melee berserker, little defense.
HP: 100/100
Skills: 3/10
Destructive blade (High, melee, destroy terrain, stun self, 3)

Berzerk (Effect: + to atk - to def, -2 HP/turn, 2)
Barrage (low, melee, +to atk per turn consecutively used, 3)
Stab (med, melee, dmg is inversely prepositionate to opponents health, 2)
Heal (-low, med, Heal, 4)
Regen (-low, short, regen, 5)
Overdrive (+ to speed, atk, and ??? rate for 3 turns. -to atk, speed, and ??? Rate after effect. 3)
Disease (-5 hp per turn, you and all opponents. 0)
Curse (-5 hp per turn, -10)
Steadfast (+to atk and def exponentially per turn active, while active. 4)
Prohibiter (-to atk of selected move, -2)
Overbearing (after an attack of high or greater dmg, opponent may flinch. 2)

EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
LOCATION: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: Reinforced Robes
Equipment: Bent Healing staff
Currency: 0

Just a staff for equipment? You kind need a sword to use destructive blade. Also, tried to give you a bunch of new options. If you want to post on the ideas thread, you can post new moves there. Here is just the game and signup.

2,555 posts

Name: Nivlac
Age: 27
Bio: Nivlac is an orphan who travels the planets fighting fiends with the help of skilltonium
Personality: Confident, Persevering, Dishonest.
CLASS: Melee berserker, little defense.
HP: 100/100
Skills: -7/10
Destructive blade (High, melee, destroy terrain, stun self, 3)
Curse (-5 hp per turn, -10)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
LOCATION: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Equipment: Greatsword, Full plated armor[b]
Currency: 0

Sorry the staff and robes was for my original character I was going to have a healer. Can I use the berserk I suggested in the ideas thread where its -attack -defense no -health? I'm also gonna suggest some melee skills

2,419 posts

@Nivlac I tried to give you a list to choose from. Could you re post with as many skills from the list that fit within what you're looking for?

5,291 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 100/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

"Long-Ranged Fire Support, [Insert whatever skill level is here], "Glitch"." I say straightforwardly.

OOC: Now that you mentioned it... what's skill level? I see nothing written "Skill level" on my sheet.

2,419 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 100/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

OOC: Skill level is max skill points allowed. This is pretty much the only time I'll say it, but I should have made that clear.

IC: "Thank you, your evaluation test will be ready in a moment. Please wait."
He types for a short bit, before the portal on your right opens. "Head in. You'll have a minute to examine the area and find a location before the test begins, ghost. Please remember that this is just a test. You will not die, and you will be evaluated." You enter the portal, and you are teleported to the top of a lush mountain. You see a road, and a couple bots made to look like fiends. They look like they're escorting a chieften, assumed to be your target. Around you is not much cover, but a little bit down the mountain is a patch of bush and tree. Further still is an overgrown bush, but you could easily be seen from the right. What do you do?

5,291 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 100/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

I try to find any opening to snipe at the Chieften. If any, i Snipe at it.

Showing 1-15 of 106