ForumsForum GamesPotentes Humanum (RPG)

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2,419 posts

The background.

It's the distant future. Humans have traversed the nearby planets. On Jupiter, we found a unstable element called skilltonium. It's atomic structure changed to fit with any other element put in the nearby area, so it is highly valued. When we surfaced the first batch of skilltonium, it bonded with the dirt and iron, creating fiends, who were deformed and presummed brainless. But then it caught sight of the skilltonium, and consumed the first miners and the first batch. From then on, we've been in a war with these creatures, utilizing the skilltonium to bolster our own abilities.

The tech.

When earth's natural resources started to dwindle, we found a way to convert earth to data. We did so, and now earth contains portals in and out of this data world. Only things not created by the data can travel through these portals, because anything made of data dissipates into the portal itself, destroying it. Because everything on earth is data, anything is possible on it. As such, it became a "Hub world" of sorts, for humans to come back to, to relax, sell treasures found on other planets, and to socialize.

The planets.

Mercury - fiends traveled to this planet, overtaking the human population and enhancing their fire related abilities.
Venus - tamed by humans, but inhabited by fiends here and there, this world has become a new earth of sorts. Most human here dislike the data world of earth.
Mars - dubbed, "the discovery planet," tests of all sorts are done here by scientists, because it offers a wide variety of habitats. Fiends here have been tamed, and occasionally work with the scientists.
Jupiter - Battles rage day and night here. Fiends and miners do war continuously for the precious skilltonium. Only for the brave of heart or dumb of mind.
Saturn - only inhabited by fiends, due to the fact that the rings somehow block out portals. No one knows what happens here or beyond this point.

The skilltonium.

Skilltonium had an interesting effect on humans. It bonds with them, and changes their abilities, their skills, based on the personality of the bonded human. Small doses slightly enhance anything, but large doses tend to cause insanity, giantism, and rage. These behemoth humans are forced to leave earth. If they retain any brain function, they tend to become rulers of fiend clans.

The rules.

1. My game, my dice, my verdict. You are just the player. I use for my dice.
2. Player versus player is allowed, assuming A) both players agree or B) you are In a fiend controlled zone.
3. Confused? Daunted? Ask me questions at pitmaster226(at)
4. Have fun.
5. You ATTEMPT to do things. If you say "I cut the wire to get through" it will be read by me as "I ATTEMPT to cut the wire and go through if I suceed.
7. ALWAYS follow rule 6.

The signup.

Signup here, by following these steps.
1. Copy the Char sheet (below)
2. Paste char sheet.
3. Edit areas I tell you to edit.
4. Wait for me to respond.
5. Do what I tell you.
6. Give feedback on your revised char sheet.
7. Repeat steps 4 through 6.

The question and answers.


The char sheet.

Name: (required)
Age: (13-any)
Bio: (Required)
Personality: (not required. Helpful.)
Class: (required. You must make something that implies your role. "Fighter" doesn't help me. "Ninja warrior of death and destruction" helps me.)
HP: 100/100
Skills: 0/10
Active: (you may choose some from the ideas thread, or you may wait for me to give you a list to choose from, or a mixture of both.)
Passive: (read active.)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none (your shop names. May become a second (locked) thread.)
Inventory: (you may choose some items to start with. Nothing over powered.)
Equipment: (your equipped items. These are the only things that effect your stats.)
Currency: 0 (do I really need to explain?)

Hello, I'm (insert name here) and I'm signing up for Potentes Humanum


None needed yet.

Players (and locations)

None yet.

Waiting list.


(Maybe unfinished. You never know.)

  • 106 Replies
2,419 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 100/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

You shoot from the top of the mountain, right in the open. Your rifle makes a piercing noise as the beam finds its target. The chieften is hit, but the shot merely dazes him. Two fiends quickly step in front of him, while the other three begin scaling the mountain to attack you. What now?

5,291 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 100/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

I snipe the chieften again. I see how fast they're scaling.

2,419 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 100/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

A guard sees the shot coming, and dies for his chieften. The three others are about halfway up now. You have just enough time for two shots.

5,291 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 100/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

(If by two shots you mean two literal shots, not two skill uses, ignore this)
I snipe at the chieftein again, then

I use bullet burst at the three fiends scaling, trying to spread it so i can hit them sucessifully.

2,419 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 88/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Training portal.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

You hit the last remaining guard, but the chieften is no longer dazed, and hides behind the overgrown bush you saw as a location for cover earlier. You then shoot and kill two of the guards with bullet burst, but the third shot misses. The fiend comes up and slugs you across the face, dealing 12 dmg. You: 88/100, fiend 20/20.

2,555 posts

@eliakith I added curse the others don't really fit with what I had in mind.

2,419 posts

Then what were you looking for? I don't have many full offensive type moves set up.

5,291 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 88/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Training portal.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

I do stealth strike at the fiend.

2,419 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 88/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Training portal.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

You're supposed to make these flips by the way.

.5 turns of blind = Tails
if heads: you deal 12 dmg and its your turn again, with the chieften movie to the next patch of cover. You 88/100, fiend 8/20

If tails, you deal 12 dmg, then the fiend punches you in the gut for 8 dmg. The chieften stays back. You: 80/100 Fiend 8/20

.5 turns of blind
5,291 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 88/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Training portal.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

OOC: Wait... how did the two ranged attacks, with low damage, be able to OHKO, but stealth strike, with Med damage, not be able to?

iC: I Stealth strike the fiend again. Coin Flip = Tails

Coin Flip
2,419 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 88/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Training portal.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

OOC: because of your weapon stats. Hunting knives don't pierce fiend hide too well, but an electric shock/superheated blast will kill, especially to the head. Also, your class weapon proficiency.

IC: You kill him, and now the chieften is upon you. You take a quick glance behind you and notice a drop off, just the right angle for sliding down. Alternatively, you could stand and fight, or run down the front of the mountain, as the chieften isn't too quick.

5,291 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 88/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Training portal.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

I walk down the mountain carefully, while also keeping an eye on it.

2,419 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 88/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Training portal.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

You walk down to the road, and the chieften is still only halfway down. What now?

5,291 posts

Name: Glitch
Age: 18
Bio: An odd man, he wants to start a job as a mercenary. He starts by trying to raise his key card. His past is known to none, even himself, for he once lost his memory in a small town before adulting. He wandered the town, with no idea of himself. Given an old rifle, he left for the forest and lived there.
Personality: Calm, Doesn't like risks.
Class: Long-Range Fire Support
HP: 88/100
Skill points: 10/10
Bullet burst (low, med, tri shot, 3)
Snipe (low, extreme, precise, 3)
Stealth strike (Med, melee, Heads for .5 turns of blind, 2)
Growing shadows (+ stage to atk when in darkness, 2)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Training portal.
Shops: none
Inventory: Lightweight Leather Armor, key card T1.
Equipment: Old rifle, Hunting knife.
Currency: 0

I try sniping at where i remember the chieftein is currently at.

3,075 posts

Name: Danwar
Age: 24
Bio: Dawnar,when he was younger,learnt about the ancient medival knights and wanted to fight like them.With skilltonium and swordsmanship easily as good as any novice,Danwar wants to be heroic and chivalrous,just like a proper knight.
Personality: Slightly chivalrous;Helpful;Will not strike without being struck first or recognizing someone as an enemy
Class: Tanky;Think of a futuristic knight,Leans slightly more on def than off but can still deal dmg
HP: 100/100
Skills: 0/10
Active: Deep Cut [Medium, Medium, Bleed T1, 4]
Passive: Steadfast (speed decreases to zero. Dmg and defense increase exponentially per turn activated, while activated. 4)
EXP: 0/10 Lvl 1
Location: Earth, Key card 0.
Shops: none
Inventory: (I'd prefer something along thew lines of Light energy sheild,Medium armour)
Equipment: (would rather have an energy sword or something)
Currency: 0

Showing 16-30 of 106