just write a sentence and keep it going
that's what they thought.next midnight, the hero's became zombies and ate billy's spleen
billy said his last will of testament to his good friend joe.
Joe was very happy for receving it and then he builted an atomic bomb to avenge is death.
joe gathered all of the power rangers to fight for him!
And the megazord (i think it's spelled like that).
With that kind of power, THEY RULED THE WORLD! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAH.... Hahaha... Ha... Ha.
They grew old and died.
Fortunately, Joe was friends with Satan and exchanged his soul in order for new life.
He thought he was hungry and went to a diner
He sat down in the booth at the very back end of the diner, eyes glaring at anyone who dared to disturb him.
The note read, "Meet me in the back in a few minutes."
He silently ate his dinner of mashed potatoes and meatloaf as a waitress passed him a note.
After reading he burned the note and ate his dinner and forgot completely about meeting with the waitress.
He then walked to the corner of the dimly lighted street.
Suddenly, Chuck Norris steps out of the shadows and cracks his knuckles, ready for a fight so epic it makes the Lord of the Rings battles look like small street fights.
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