and I said nonsensical because within the period of about 20 minutes you have posted 30 short, not-quite-spam posts that are hard to make sense of at times.
1st- it is 48 post and not 30. 2nd- not all are short (like this one) 3rd- some are short because they're from those games that are there just for fun. 4th- if it's not quite spam stop saying it is. 5th- they are hard to make sense because you can't read. 6th- stop pissing me off.
That post is short, I'm not trying to piss you off, I "not-quite-spam" describes your general posts. Some are spam, which I have flagged, and some are not. I can read perfectly well, you just need to work on correcting various spelling mistakes and gramatical errors. Please make your future posts acctually contribute to the topic, instead of just posting lots of short, spammy, nonsense.
Once upon a time there was a little small blue and white house that sat on top of a huge gigantic lush green hill, and inside live d a small family, Billy Bob Jones and his parents.