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Voting Thread Purpose
Use this thread to discuss and vote who to kick. You don't need to vote right away, you may try persuading others to vote. If you vote, you cannot change or undo your vote. Please follow this template when voting:

@SirLegendary (tag me so I see that you casted your vote)

Voting to kick: (username)
Reason/s: (state your reason for voting this user out)

How to Play

There will be five to ten users (depending on how many sign up within 1 weeks). Every week users will vote to kick any one out of the group. The last person standing wins! How you survive depends on you and how you interact with the other members of the group. Discuss who to kick, vote, then he/she shall be kicked.

Simple sushi!


Please read carefully:

- No Flaming to get someone kicked, if you do, YOU WILL BE KICKED.
- Keep things in good spirit, if you don't, YOU WILL BE KICKED.
- Once you're kicked, you're kicked. THAT'S FINAL.
- Once you vote, you cannot change your vote.
- You may have more than one reason to vote for someone.
- This is not a popularity contest. Kick anyone.
- In the event of a draw, we will flip a coin to determine who's to be kicked out. If there are three or more users, we will roll a dice.
- If all users have voted before the round ends, the round will end.
- Once you are kicked, you cannot vote until the finals. Read the rule below.
- During the finals, all participants who have been eliminated will be called back to vote for the last kick.

Signed up!

1. @Loop_Stratos
2. @Doombreed
3. @MattEmAngel
4. @HahiHa
5. @Chryosten
6. @armorplayergc
7. @akshobhya
8. @red303
9. @shafaet
10. @BalkanRenegades


End of the round results/Spreadsheet


  • 208 Replies
7,024 posts

@akshobhya and @HahiHa you both seem to think quantity of reasons has a weight on its own. For example:

For not trying to understand that there may be some valid reason that a person has not voted here and possibly because he might have had a very busy schedule during that week and for waiting to be the first to vote out someone here just hours after a summon and not trying to see a valid reason for the happening.

- Has been inactive in this thread. I agree completely with red: might as well kick the one not playing the game

Are good reasons to kick someone out, I agree with both. BUT!

- Likes Yu-Gi-Oh!

- Has a crazy gnome as armatar. If we don't deal with him now, he might blow us all up someday

or having rated only 11 games even after playing many and liking a show that tells of post-apocalyptic world filled with "walkers" that tends to scare and infuse Kinemortophobia in children along with heading a group of 10 in an island game where he fights the military along with the "walkers". For stating (in the comments) that he has not really considered getting more quests/playing more games, indicating any one of these or maybe both. Also for having these many reasons to be kicked out!

Are really really bad ones! Don't add reasons just to add them! It does not give your argument any more credibility! It only makes you seem like you are begging for votes xD

Voting to kick: MattEmAngel
Reason: Started voting at Day1

You mean exactly like you did on Round 2, right @shafaet ? -_- Jaysus...

8,256 posts

Are really really bad ones! Don't add reasons just to add them! It does not give your argument any more credibility! It only makes you seem like you are begging for votes xD

I admit that the one with the armatar was just to add a reason. But I strongly disagree with you on the other one; him liking Yu-Gi-Oh! is in my eyes a very valid reason to kick him Plus, this may have drawn me sympathy from others who think alike, or animosity from other Yu-Gi-Oh fans, both of which make this game more interesting. So stop judging my personal reasons and vote already or don't, either way this round is already over, really.
7,024 posts

I admit that the one with the armatar was just to add a reason. But I strongly disagree with you on the other one; him liking Yu-Gi-Oh! is in my eyes a very valid reason to kick him Plus, this may have drawn me sympathy from others who think alike, or animosity from other Yu-Gi-Oh fans, both of which make this game more interesting.

Not when almost everyone has already voted and there are still 9 people in the game though This would probably occur at a later point. I admit it, I would vote him for liking Yu-Gi-Oh! sometime later probably. But I could also remember who this is coming from, a man who did not watch anime for a long time and who only recently got into 2 popular ones according to his own words and then vote you off for being so judgmental

So stop judging my personal reasons and vote already or don't, either way this round is already over, really.

But then I would have nothing to say and that's no fun now is it? Also, how nice of you to respond to constructive criticism on your actions this way here -_- (goddammit it hasn't even been Round 3 and us two have already started fighting xD It's not the same if you leave early and I am trying to refrain from voting you too soon ...)

Besides I prefer to hold my votes and wait for some initial votes, it shows consistent voting behavior But anyway, everybody else seems to have voted. Will probably vote later today so Legend can move straight to Round 3 without waiting on me and my so irrational need to discuss things before voting.

8,256 posts

To begin with your last sentence...

Will probably vote later today so Legend can move straight to Round 3 without waiting on me and my so irrational need to discuss things before voting.

I never said it was irrational to discuss things, neither do I criticize your lack of vote up to now. I also waited a bit before casting my vote, after all. But BalkanRenegades is pretty much done for, as I predicted at the beginning of this round, and so we either talk about who to kick next while waiting for your vote, or we start the next round early and discuss who to kick next. Makes no difference, really.

Not when almost everyone has already voted and there are still 9 people in the game though

Sympathies and antipathies carry over in the next rounds, as you say yourself later on.

I admit it, I would vote him for liking Yu-Gi-Oh! sometime later probably.

See, you're being a hypocrite. Not only because of ^this, but also, did you forget that it was you who started to discuss forum game preferences before things turned awry for Matt? How is this any better or worse than anime/card game preferences?

But I could also remember who this is coming from, a man who did not watch anime for a long time and who only recently got into 2 popular ones according to his own words and then vote you off for being so judgmental

I have watched plenty more anime since then, but that is not really the point. I just find Yu-Gi-Oh silly, and that won't change even if I watched 90% of all animes there are. I am ready to assume the consequences of this opinion.

It's not the same if you leave early and I am trying to refrain from voting you too soon

Yes, it wouldn't be fun to lose my nemesis too soon
Besides, I predicted that this round either shafaet or BalkanRenegades would go, and since the latter will go this round, I actually think shafaet will be next; due to his rash actions, he is a dangerous and unpredictable variable. But we will see, maybe I will be wrong this time. Wait and see ^^
7,024 posts

But BalkanRenegades is pretty much done for, as I predicted at the beginning of this round, and so we either talk about who to kick next while waiting for your vote, or we start the next round early and discuss who to kick next. Makes no difference, really.

Alright fair enough. Let's move on with the rest of the points:

Sympathies and antipathies carry over in the next rounds, as you say yourself later on.

Not easily when they are lost in this whole madness! I don't even know who I like anymore. Not liking Yu-Gi-Oh! Is a bad reason but with all that's been going on, it may become the least of my problems. The same thing happened with Round 1. i did have a problem with red voting for Matt literally because everyone else did. Yet he presented a valid reason in this round to vote Balkan off and with the atrocities committed by the other players, red rose in the list and became a player I would rather not kick

See, you're being a hypocrite. Not only because of ^this, but also,

I said it's a bad reason, I didn't say I never vote on bad reasons I am not infallible xD

did you forget that it was you who started to discuss forum game preferences before things turned awry for Matt? How is this any better or worse than anime/card game preferences?

It does not necessarily mean I was planning to kick anyone based on their forum preferences. I started that discussion because no one else seemed to be talking. I was planning on starting there and letting the discussion flow, reach other subjects, make some references and judge who to vote later on You on the contrary are VOTING someone for his anime preferences. Which I COULD do as well depending on the circumstances too, but 1) I haven't and 2) that does not make it any better xD

I just find Yu-Gi-Oh silly, and that won't change even if I watched 90% of all animes there are. I am ready to assume the consequences of this opinion.

But it does not make you experienced in the ways of anime if you know one anime you hate but almost nothing you like either It is like a music album, sometimes you have to listen to things again, after a long time, when your perception of music has changed, when you listen to something closer, pay more attention, etc. xD

Besides, I predicted that this round either shafaet or BalkanRenegades would go, and since the latter will go this round, I actually think shafaet will be next; due to his rash actions, he is a dangerous and unpredictable variable. But we will see, maybe I will be wrong this time. Wait and see ^^

I think shafaet will go next round too, he rushed to vote in this one. But well, we'll see like you said. Let's wrap this up then


Vote: BalkanRenegades
Reason: Because he is inactive. Better kick someone who doesn't play.

482 posts

You mean exactly like you did on Round 2, right @shafaet ? -_- Jaysus...

I predicted that this round either shafaet or BalkanRenegades would go, and since the latter will go this round, I actually think shafaet will be next; due to his rash actions, he is a dangerous and unpredictable variable. But we will see, maybe I will be wrong this time. Wait and see ^^

Well, someone had to be voting on the first person right? So I decided I'd myself be the one but it turns out it wasn't really a pretty choice and I do agree I may have been a bit rash while voting and hadn't thought twice about the consequences, certainly I'd have to vote someone at some point and it wouldn't change my opinions or reasoning towards why I'm voting that person much even if it was on the first day/being discussed a whole week Not sure if that really has put me up in line for the next one to be eliminated.

482 posts

Vote: BalkanRenegades
Reason: Because he is inactive. Better kick someone who doesn't play.

Now that you've already decided on who your vote is going to be against, I think it's time we should move on to the next round, hopefully things won't get too rushed this time around

16,585 posts


Since BalkanRenegades has the majority votes to be kicked, we can move onto the next round without waiting for his reply.

Eliminated: @BalkanRenegades

Round results are in the spreadsheet.

Signed Up:

1. @Loop_Stratos
2. @Doombreed
3. @/MattEmAngel
4. @HahiHa
5. @Chryosten
6. @armorplayergc
7. @akshobhya
8. @red303
9. @shafaet
10. @/BalkanRenegades

7,024 posts

Maybe we should avoid that in the future and let every round last a week. What if he showed up? His vote would not change anything but he could have discussed Part of the game is that. After all, he is going to be summoned again in the end to determine the winner...I propose next time we go through rounds normally.

17,384 posts

To be honest, I think he's probably forgotten that he signed up for this thing in the first place. He probably also has username mentions turned off too I think.

5,291 posts

my god look at what this has become
the lack of wall of texts is hurting

Oh look at you @Loop_Stratos . You don't know who to vote huh? How about next time trying to wait for an argument of any form to come up before voting? You know, trying to wait a while before jumping in mere hours after the start of a round to let some discussion even exist, to look at some arguments coming from both sides? Maybe, just maybe you will find a reason as well as someone to kick xD I don't know, I may be the insane one... -_-

I don't think debates affect me, but w/e

Are really really bad ones! Don't add reasons just to add them! It does not give your argument any more credibility! It only makes you seem like you are begging for votes xD

But bad reasons should be encouraged ;-; I entered expecting "You're Banned" as an actual game with ends.

You mean exactly like you did on Round 2, right @shafaet ? -_- Jaysus...

i lold

Maybe we should avoid that in the future and let every round last a week. What if he showed up? His vote would not change anything but he could have discussed Part of the game is that. After all, he is going to be summoned again in the end to determine the winner...I propose next time we go through rounds normally.

It's not as if he can't discuss after. Since his vote doesn't matter anyway.

Vote to Kick: SirLegendary

8,256 posts


Anything we could discuss? We could pick up the themes of forum games again, or anime, or talk about a new topic like favourite musical genre for example. The latter has potential for giving reasons to kick, for sure ^^

5,291 posts

I guess i better be 'that guy' and kick first. May spawn discussions >


Voting to kick: HahiHa
Reasons: Let's kick the moderator. They are bad beings that ruin the poor commoners' count to 100. They're misusing their power. They shouldn't ruin counts. Kick definitely.

17,384 posts

Wow. Kicking the moderator now? It may or may not spawn discussion. Who knows?

People voted for my picks twice. I'd rather wait and decide before kicking.

482 posts

Oh well, Let's see what twist this brings in to the discussion we've been trying to have, hopefully nothing too bad for the first voter of this round. Imma wait till there's a couple more votes.

Showing 46-60 of 208