Same as before try to solve my riddles without cheating!! Or if you have one go ahead and post it people will sovlve that as well good luck!3) I pass before the sun yet make no shadow. What am I?
Well do i need to get an easyier one?
Would this be the Moon? It doesn't have an actual shadow, it has a dark side and everything has a dark. It does pass the sun everyday as well.
nope try again!!!
any more takers? or shoul i make an easier one?
nightime. It passes before the sun does, but doesnt make a shadow because it, well, doesnt.
umm the wind?
I like dirkpitt1's anwer the night!
my bad went away for a while The answer was the wind!!
lol awesome!
An easyier one people4)What has four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?
Can I ask a yes or now question? And if soo,is it a human related thing?
Ugh, I know the answer but I can't remember it!
i think I know does it mean the guy crawls in the morning, walks in the afternoon the has a cane i nthe evening?
Its an easy one just go with your gut!!
well I guess a human! In the morning its a morning walk,a couple. One person in the afternoon and not sure why three legs but yeah,a human
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