Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
10/10, looks cool for me..
7/10 its quite good
Nice Choice! ;-) lol10/10
Ha ha 10/10 for me too
3/10 looks like a chipmonk with a helmet
9/10 the red cross makes it awesome
9/10 nice wolf
5/10 hes fat
9/10 hes quite cool!
8/10, I really like that armatar, it looks really cool and relaxed... but he does look a bit sad...
Lol Crazy, 8/10 I like it! :P
Eh. 7/10. It has a good background but a boring bear.
Bear is cool 9/10.But not as cool as knight (I say that only because your previous one was a knight, I'm not saying mine is awesome)...(but it is)Oh, and tiger gets 9/10, too, because it's like Hobbes from Calvin and Hobbes
hmm.... my old armatar 9.99/10 thats cuz it was mine and u stole it =P
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