Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Okay I suppose 7/10
Cool...an Alligator! 8/10New Animalitars to rate!KingRyan
An owl umm 8/10 *poses*
the background and pinguin matches! 8/10
Is it 8/10 day?Ha ha 8/10 N00BKiller
Nice frog 9,8/10
Wow! weresquirrel rocks! (I had to do it) 10/10 ))
Ha ha 7/10
okay i will rate yours 6,5/10 but only because I think that my ferocious squirrel is worth more than 7/10So what will you say? You unknown person bellow me? Keep in mind that it has sharp front teeth. The revenge can be deadly
Cool 9/10 my 2nd choice was thagt but I perfer my one!
Kingy's animatar would be an 8/10 for me..
Cool Armatar!!! 10/10
looks so mean i like it9/10
7/10 I'm not of an Animal kinda guy but I like the design!
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