Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
How do you get an armatar?
go to control panel under your username and click on armatars.thaggard gets an 8/10.
6/10 i have no idea why i guess i just don't like birds much but it looks cool
10/10 cuz ur cool!
uhhh interesting 7/10
9/10 pretty kewl
ty, that was my old aratar 9/10
It gets a 8/10. It has too skinny and almost unseen fangs. The background works nice with it's color though. My Armatar is to be called Iron Boar.
10/10 looks like the croc isnt gonna eat anyone. seems friendly....
a 7/10.i don't see the eyes and why are there horns on the nose?lol
6.5/10to classic
9/10 Koala FTW!
8/10. Cool but kind of freaky.
7/10... very birdlike...
cool rhino 8/10seems like everyone is changing to animal armatars...
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