Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
i think no face shows mystery and the tree shows that he is in control of nature i think its coolyour dragon is cool though just red is not my fave color ill give u 9.6/10
i like how yours is like a mage with a tree or somethin' i like what you said it is cool, has lots of detail9/10
yeah it does show mystery and balance.squirrels are funny..but get electrecuted..10
i like that one. cool dragon. Shows courageability and desperatecylol that was weird9/10
thx man..but i have no idea what you just said.
9/10,I would give it a 10,but its just too common nowadays.
10/10 that thing is awesome. what is that anyway? a dinosaur or something?
8\\10-i'm afraid of snakes!lOoL
7/10 the dragon armatars are pretty cool but that's not the best one.
right cuz this is the best dragon one.a 7.6
7/ 10 it's gonna eat me i wish it had eyes
8/10When Animal Attack 72!
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