Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
cool bear,luv bears!!! Wish it were showing his clAws!!!
i love that one that is probabaly my third choice for the armatars i have 9/10
is ok 5/10
cool 9/10
AGH! A DRAGON!!!We better send a knight. ~~_ ,_ G /(.\\ /\\__ /_/\\,) _,-((-'` / /( d ) ` \\ /`'--\\\\ )) )) wetodded1 // ^ ^7/10
6/10 it looks like a runk cyclops.
8/10 I really like that one
8/10 i really like urs
burn baby burni like it he he he fire fire8.5/10
seems generic 5/10
3...I didn't really like the skull idea...
don't like it, plus it's one of the first, 4/10
6/10 I don't know, it seems over-used by noobs.
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