Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
It's funny looking, though I wish it came in different colors.8/10 because it made me laugh.
7/10 for the nice, funny armatar@ghostofmatrix. In case if ninjas
Oh i love the animal armatars 8/10 @xNightwish
It's the armatar I'm using, and I don't pick stuff I don't like...but maybe a Blue, Green, or Red would be nice.9/10
I like it because it's new... You got lucky this time jeol... 9/10.
Pretty awesome. Not more.Let's say 8,6439167/10. OK?Would you like to battle with it? I mean, against other Armatars?
I say 9,7285/10. Extremely awesome! I think I like that one most for the moment.
Uh I say 8/10. It's pretty cool hehe no pun intended.
Thanks! I'm sorry but I don't like your Armatar as much. You don't see the eyes and the nose looks... weird.5,8/10.
It's a good armatar, but I don't like the face. I mainly like it because of the coloring.8/10
Spartan. Nice.8.5/10
i like blue.8/10
Thanks, me too.Pink, happy box. 6/10.
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