Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Too primal.Best1iali2 out of 10.
crazy face! 10/10
Either a dragon or a pteradon. 9.5/10
1/10.I'm not a fan of shield armatar and it's very simple.
8/10, because it was the armatar FT was using when I first signed up and it reminds me of when I was a newbie.
Ninja'd! 9/10 for the dolphin.
10/10. I like the dolphin even though it doesn't match your username.
9/10 again. What kind of armatar would fit my personality?
9/10A black skull is somehow immature? :P
10/10 A black skull with red and orange background makes it look awesome.
7/10 bad experiences with dolphins...How is death immature?
6/10. It's good but the close-up makes it stick out like a sore thumb and also it doesn't seem appealing.
I would like it more if it was centered and he was doing something else with the fire. 4/10
4/10Maybe there should be a armatar with Neo or Seraph's picture!Aha! A Red Pill would fit your name perfectly!
6.5/10well i dont like it or hate it. neutralness.except some on here i really hate(not saying which), so i give this a higher score.
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