Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
It's a piece of corn with a stick...AUTOMATIC AWESOMNESS9/10Seriously, it is extremely well drawn. I wish I could draw like that.
One of the new thanksgiving ones I think? I like the colors and the turkey has a cool expression 9/10
The gingerbread man is one of my favourite armatars, so 10/10.
Chicken, again? 7/10
Its a star 8/10
The purple shield is definitely the best option as far as the shields go.10/10
I like black/white pictures, and I can make out what it is, so 9/10Before someone says this is overused... I was first to use it, and will only change if Bronze makes a cool looking bear.
Awesome wolf.Since you were 1st, It gets a 9.5
Hes rather ugly but I like the snowball 7.5
6.5/10Not really a fan of the normal shield armatars
Really cool 10/10
Right now... Awkward.6/10
Why is that?8/10 same as earlier
I dunno, it looks like a female.6/10.
That's because it is a femaleI really like the armatar..only problem is, there are 2 others very similar to it. 7.5/10
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