Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
8/10. Bug eyes.
10/10. It just screams nichodemus.
10/10 kegaumongo did an excellent job on that one.
A regular 875 or 825 (dont renember) AP armatar. I guess fox is a fine choise. 7/10, i guess.-Jeff
My memory could be failing me but I think the great Ernie made that one.
Its a santa snowman. 6.5/10
10/10 and do not argue
Nighttime snow? Awesome. 9/10.
I like the fox its cool. And I want to pet it but it my nomnomnom my hand.
I girl armatar for a guy? whatever. 9/10
I really like it..but I feel like for a while it was overused..not sure though haha8.5/10
Not too many people know of or even use your armatar. The perfect hipster armatar! The background design is fitting for the theme, though the image could have used some more detail. I give it a 7.1/10
AG armatars have a detail (enough detail), but im not excactly a fan of armatars that show like human animated faces. 7.5/10.-Jeff
It's a withered tree. 6/10.
A simple star, blue is my favourite colour, so 8/10.
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