Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
*glares* I saw what you did with my name Your armatar matches your name..but nothing my armatar can't devour 9/10
9.5/10For some reason I've always liked that armatar...
You've had that armater so long I don't even remember what armater you had before it.8/10
Ninja-ee. 10/11 (BTW, How many pages does this thread have? It says it has 465, but the last four are blank.)
@R2It was the rabbit gantic hasAnd 6/10Squirrels are cool but it's kinda plain.
A tree? 3/10 buddy, change it.
Though I don't really like that one, there is nothing better then an armatar that is the same as the name. 8/10
5/10I don't really like dark armatars that much....
10/10If only it was still available...
Little ninja, little ninja, what do you see?A 10/10, coming for me!
7.5/10. Great drawing by Krin, and if there weren't 5 very similar ones to it also drawn by Krin I would give it a higher rating.
The armatar is pretty cool..but the added effect for you, it is similar to your last armatar. That gives you extra points9/10
You basically own that armater. Anyone else using it should be punished.9/10
Well it's R2, and why would he have anything else besides a Slender armatar? However Slender is an albino potato with legs, which is peculiar, so 6\\10
5/10.I have no idea what that even is lol.
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