Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
8/10"Hey well you look kinda susp-""I'm a TREE!"Nice, good design on it.
Ninja thing I forgot what its called.8/10
Tis a kunai!Also, slenderman in a ninja suit.10/10
I like kunais.9/10
I used that one when I first joined. Good memories... not. 8/10
I remember back when you didn't use Slendy armatarsWaiting for the spring version7/10
6/10Looks like a horse/wolf that's on crack, or has a demon inside of them.
HOT PINK!!! AWESOMENESS!!! !)?!)OOps... I meant 10/10.
Despite you two having the same armatar..I can easily tell you and thebluerabbit apart instantly. WeirdAnyways..is a cute lil fox8/10
8/10 its kind of cool
it has more detail then the other knights. i like this one. 7/10
A little Bland to me sorry 6/10
An interesting knight.9/10
Now that it is spring...that one is outdated. =p6/10
never saw itinterestinghmm6.5/10
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