Yeah, grapple would be cool. Do you like the C4 idea. If not heres another:
fork ray, it shoots flaming forks, laser forks, and any other kind of fork you can think of at the enemie.
Ooooh, I have a really cool idea... How about the ability to customize the look of your gun. You start out with preset parts, pick the ones you like, and then you add the bullet (power), from a list of bullets you have unlocked. I think that would be sweet.
Lol... just so everyone knows working on a little demo for you guys, only one weapon and one enemy, working on it as I fly. Just in some private airport and they have wireless so I was like woot. And plus sinces its my dad's plane and he is flying he lets me on the computer from start to finish(none of this turn electronics off for takoff bull) so yeah. Woo!
flappybob999 said: Lol Arax, calm down. Lets say you thought of it and Steevo copied you...
Well...uhh I didn't really copy him on the idea of a grappling hook. I didn't know what his intent with the grappling hook was, so sorry Arax if you think I copied you.
Don't worry about it I don't judge. If someone says the same idea, just means that more than one person likes it. Making it more likely I use it? Maybe? WHO KNOWS!
Well I know which picture you took it from. And the pictures on an angle so it's not good for a gun, and the muzzle is fudged up, and it's all a bit sketch. But a nice try nonetheless!