True, true dat', Game maker isn't really like making Sonny or The last stand. It those games that are very boring. Try FlashCS3 Adobe. People use that. Get the trial.
Yeah, true don't use game maker 7 it is a bad program and even if you make a game its so limited in its capabilities it won't be good. You should really just use flash. Anyway you won't be able to post the game on armor games anyway unless its made in flash.
well i dont care, i just need something free, and besides, the last stand and sonny i dont like very well... i just need to know how you make things move, and controlling it. its so confusing!
If you need free game creation software, and don't want to learn a programming language, then go RPG Maker. Game maker is quite limiting, especially if you don't know how to use GML. (If you know GML it's just about the best free game developing package out there, not counting full fledged programming languages). As for the help with GM7: First thing, for an object it needs to be on the map. All actions in an event will occur when the event occurs. i.e. if you add a Keyboard->Right event, then add a Move Free action with direction as 0 and speed as 10, the object will start moving right (0 degrees = right, 270 = up) at a speed of 10 pixels per frame.
How to make something move is actually rather simple. Add an action of when you want it to move, then add either Free Move or Move Fixed and set the speed to higher than 0.
As for controlling it, all of the events under Keyboard, Key Press, Key Release, and Mouse are user inputted actions. Just pick which one you want then add the actions.
For reference: Game Maker 7 Tutorial Page Do the "Your first game" tutorial. If you need any other help (maybe more specific?) I'd be happy help how I can. And also, eventually you'll want to learn GML if you continue to use Game Maker, and there is an add on that allows 3D graphics (I haven't used it).
And finally, can't you talk like normal? If you can, just color it or something. Bold and/or italic are just annoying to read.
what do you mean by action and event? like tell me what the situation would be. Like an explosion or something, I'm not like a Game Maker expert but I did take a class at school that teaches you game maker and you can make your own games, I made some pretty cool ones but yeah just tell me what your trying to get the objects to do.