Alright, so first make a new object with the blue ball at the top. Then you get the new object's window. You have four columns, the first is the general properties like name, parent, visible, solid, etc. The next column is you events. Events listen for things that happen such as mouse clicks, keyboard events, and some other things. To the right of the events is the actions. These are fired when an event is confirmed. To the right of that is the action selection. You drag these over to the actions to make a list of things to happen when the event is fired.
Try clicking the 'Add Event' button in the event column and choose 'Key Press' > 'Right.' Then drag the red arrows from the action selection pane to the actions. Press the right arrow and set a speed of 5 or so and click ok. Then create a new room and place your object in the room. Test the game and your player should move to the right with when the right arrow key is pressed.
You can find some great tutorials on yoyogames and other places on the web
omg.... thanks dank.... i now just noticed that i was doing something really wrong... but you didnt say it, i clicked all the red arrows and it went every where..... lol.
yes I do. here is your answer, in the events section go to key press and then hit space, and then put an action under that event that action would be, create instance of an object with a motion don't forget to put a sprite with that object and then set a collision with the object you want the bullet to destroy and for that you would go to the enemy's object, most likely object 2 or 3 and then put a collision event and put collision with object 1 or whatever that object name may be and set it to destroy self(enemy) and other(bullet) also for the create instance of an object with a motion put the speed you want the object to go at I would recommend 5-7 if you have any more questions just ask me on my page.
if you want it to be solid you must go to that object itself for example a wall so just find that object and its on the left side when you double click on it it should say solid and have a check box next to it.
...well, if what "Tha Man" said doesn't help... If an object is not solid any collision checks will ignore it. If an object is solid collision check will check it along with everything else. i.e. if you have a ball that bounces on collision with any "Wall" or child of "Wall", and one of the children has Solid off, the one with solid off will never collide, so the ball will not bounce off of that type of wall. Or if you turn off Solid on the ball, the ball will not bounce at all.
also another thing you can do to make the object seem solid is have it to when it collides with object "wall" put a direction pad in it and click in the center and set the speed to 0