OK this is a game were you get 2 options you have to pick 1 of them and then after you chose the 1 you would ratehr do you make your own for the next person to answere and so on and so forth ok here is the starting 1!!!
Would you rather jump out of a plane ( NO PARACHUTE =D ) OR
10 days completley wrapped in duck tape (other than ur mouth so u can eat and ur nose so u can breathe) or jump off a 5,000 foot cliff into water that is somewat shallow and u have a chane of dieing when u land in the water (no parachute)
10 days covered in duct tape since I like living,and it sounds kinda fun.
would you rather be on a plane that is in the middle of the pacific ocean,with a bunch of angry snakes,alligators,hornets,and scorpions,or would you rather have your cake and eat it too.