OK this is a game were you get 2 options you have to pick 1 of them and then after you chose the 1 you would ratehr do you make your own for the next person to answere and so on and so forth ok here is the starting 1!!!
Would you rather jump out of a plane ( NO PARACHUTE =D ) OR
regular pie,since I have yet to beat that game,and also if that was a real choice you know no one would go on that plane except Samuel L. Jackson,Chuck Norris,and the Crocodile hunter who is dead.Anyways would you rather go to a house with the initials MJ on them the initials OJ on them,or the initials HH(you can figure out the last one on your own,and you can't say none of them)
OK armor_warrior OJ was OJ Simpson who supposedly got away with killing a person or something like that.The other two were Micheal Jackson,and Hugh Hefner(owner of playboy mansion)So you made the wrong choice.
Also I would probably punch myself,because I like computers,and not going to jail.
would you rather eat a piece of pie,or fight a wolf for a super pie that's ten times better than a regular pie.
I would eat the pie,because I would rather die then live the rest of my life in silence,and I could become rich instead.Anyways would you rather continue talking about pie,or get a mansion for free.
I would have a phone,because if I had two brains then I might end up arguing with myself,and get diagnosed with multiple personality disorder.Would you rather eat a blue pie,or red pie.