on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
2/10 i guess.
Always you.8.6/10
10/10. I almost published a game.
2/10Never seen you before.And why just almost?
Well you might be famous, but I don't see you alot, must be bored of forums xP Altho you make some good posts in WEPR from time to time so 9/10.
must be bored of forums xP
I've seen you around a fair bit ;D8.5?
hmm i think ive seen you or i think it was just the armatar idk.2/10
3/10 for obvious reasons
you think wrong of my name i ither mean nuts like nuts and bolt. and acorn nuts but you have a dirty mind delossantosj0.1/10for delossantosj and 8/10 for Kyouzou
lol i dont have a problem with you dude. jsut your not very famous considering you only have 92 posts, and your only a gold squire.your fame has nothing to do with respect3.1/10 better =)?
i post in here a lot thats why and you don't get ap for that so yea
very true. however thats my personal rating for you anyways because it shows you dont post anywhere else other then here so therfor no one outside of this section knows you either.3.15/10
8.5/10I see you around quite frequently.
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