on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Good rank, solid post count, and lately I've been seeing you around a fair bit. I'm guessing you took some time off, though, because I've only recently noticed you. 7.5/10
MRWalker loves the WEPR. 8.33/10
Knight loves the Tavern! (dang alcoholic...) 8.675309/10
9/10 Very good debater, knowledgeable, lots of posts for teh rank
Very good noob, knowledgeable in the chivalrous arts. 8.02/10
9.0 you have a super awesome umbrella weapon. 'nuff said.
Electronic fans are always in style. 7.45/10
very cost effective these days. 7.44/10
But I thought Samy was a salmon; I didn't know he was a penguin!8.35/10
nice job on 3000 frank.. although you still wont beat me 8.7/10
8.5/10#$@@ When did you pass meHaha salmon.
i passed you about a week ago sukka8.6/10
How is it that I'm always rating you? I protest 8/10
idk but people go through phases where they only rate me so itll pass on to someone else eventually8.4/10
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