on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Err 6/10 don't see you much and not alot of posts for your rank.
Hmm. Never heard of you...Crappy rank. A few posts.3/10.
10/10,lol 3rd time rating you!
9/10i see you ALOT
never seen you. nice rank though small amount of post for rank though 6/10
9/10 good buddy but need more posts!
This guy deserve a 10/10 for various reasons.*Good Friend*original Name*Good amount of posts*Very organized profile.
Sorry that was for TheOne99
8/10i have seen you in forums
I've never seen you before; 3/10
7/10..saw you alot in the begining of the month,and late last month,but this is my first time seeing you since,.
ya not putting animation makes us unique, but putting animation makes this sight more appealing (i think anyway)
7/10 Seen you a couple of times
wow i accidentally put the wrong comment their and i would have to say 9/10 *see you a lot*good rank*leader of the "Christian Club"
Seen you a few times. 5/10
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