on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
I would say 11/10, I don't remember an hour in the bast couple of days without seeing you!
8/10 Seen you alot!
greatest solo ever gave me a friggin' 5/10 wth!!!!and i still say 9/10...
*see you a lot*good rank*leader of the "Christian Club"
7/10seen you before
I see you...very little...5/10
Don't see you too often 6/10
8.4/10 I am more popular than you.
6/10 crazy i saw you pretty much but not that often.
I talked to you today 9/10
8-9/10You keep track of the spammers, but sometimes you are a little too stubborn.
3/10 cool name....no armatar
Cool name and armatar but missing posts and i don't really know you 8/10
bull you know me!!!!!we where just talking in my chat room!!!
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