on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
900 posts XDGreat amount of posts for Gold Knight and Gold Knight is good I am around 2259 away from it, 9.812/10
9.314/10Looks like you're having fun in the if you could... thread "I installed a skylight in my apartment.... The people who live above me are furious!"
Sorry howlett that was for dacer. You get 9.324/10 as well though."Power outage at a department store yesterday, Twenty people were trapped on the escalators."
Pixie, I've never seen you before... quite surprisingly. But that's probably of my recent inactiveness. But judging by posts and rank I would give you an8/10
Cholo kid i havent ever seen u srry i give u 6?10 cause u a prince
0/10 never seen u
Decent post count nice rank too 9.9/10
Well you have a decent amount of posts for Silver Serf I suppose you get 6.7/10
never seen you before 5/10 got to start somewhere
6.12382454595737465734574567456475645645/10. You've been sighted a bit.
seeing you more than before 7/10
I'm the best! lol 9.3/10
good posts for rank 9/10
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