on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
ey miggy you gots over 1k posts
8.54634353/10I gave you less than usual coz u burned my plant >:
I'm giving you a 6/10
Lol what for?
6/10...I've seen you...once
why do i keep seeing so many people get over 1k O.o Lige, Pixie, Miggy aaaghhyou get a 42/84 fourtytwo
you get a 42/84 fourtytwo
i think you get a 6/10
Ummm... 5/10!
4/10 I have more posts than you, but you have a higher rank than me.
4? and I gived 5 for 81 posts... lol...Haa! My revenge: -99999999999999999999999999999/10!
...>snif< You hurt my feeling >snif< just kidding...you still get a 4/10 :P
8.5/10 seen you before
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