on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
not bad this guy is [retty famouse 9/10
10\\10 no explaining needed
never seen u b4, but i was banned for a few days :P6/10
haha =) of course not I am in the top 5 ahha ha =) and you for me: 10/10from poples view 8/10
Fuck Dacer ninjad me =( and dacer 9/10
Who wouldn't know you! 9/10!
See you alot and your kinda cool so 9.314/10
I bought some used paint. It was in the shape of a house.
Same to you! But 9.99999999/10
9.472905728e=mc2344634463876626262636278346817491541934134/10.Grey Ham!
huz iz you??? 5.5/10
9.3114/10 just because. "I was pulled over for speeding today. The officer said, "Don't you know the speed limit is 55 miles an hour?" I replied, "Yes, but I wasn't going to be out that long."
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