on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Full of fame and you are the best so 9.314/10"One time a cop pulled me over for running a stop sign. He said "Didn't you see the stop sign." I said "Yeah, but I don't believe everything I read."
7.8/10 good rank but i don't see you very often
9/10 for still being the best ^_^ lol
lol...darn. only 5/10?
Superb number of posts for that rank. 9.7/10
my (baby)nickname at my place is grahammy... i used to call my mom mommy.. it seems i enjoy doubling the last letter of the first syllable and adding a y after itMiggy!!!!!!8.9/10
Graham, my favourite crackers...oh wait your a person...6.95/10
Number one on the scoreboard? I thiiink we might have a 10 there...
Lol, 20/10, coz you rock, and your a mod lol.
I can't remember if I've seen you before. Oh well 8.314/10"I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast at any time". So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance."
6/10I'm making random guesses here
a bit active today 4.5/10
The one and only miguelin! Hmph, it's an easy one...11/10
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