on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
It's Migz!8.7777777777777777777777777777777777/10
Omglolbbq it's Pazx! 10000000/10!You rule!
it's! uhm. matty? I think I remember you 7.5/10
ive seen you before OMG!!!7.44444444/10
Infinate/10 I am your bigga fan howlett
4/10. Haven't seen you much on the Forums until today.
6/10. I've seen your name, but I rarely see you.
10/10 you are one of my best friends on here.
8.5/10. I see you an awful lot in the forums.
Very high number of posts. Decent rank as well. 8.9/10
7.4/10 :P
7.9/10, I always remembered you with the Golden Dragon though...
Small post count a little low rank too(like me) I guess you get 7/10
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