on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
8.314/10 famous and I talked to you a bit."The other day I was playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died."
Pixie! 9.314/10You already usedd that quote!
9.314/10 well your popular and cool.Sorry Pazx is that better (I don't want to offend anyone)"There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore looking like an idiot."
8.5/10I think i've seen you in some places
zoMg loL lo0k @t tEh N1nj@ :] 2/10
10/10 great rank awesome posts and i see you all the time.
5/10 Decent rank but low posts. I is picky.
7/10 You're really active for nine months. But I am also picky.
9/10 yes i am a ninja
I don't believe I've ever seen you before, Ninja... I'll start you off with a 5.5/10
I see you a ton! 8/10
Well you are kinda famous so 6.314/10 but low rank and posts etc. "Ever notice how irons have a setting for PERMANENT press? I don't get it..."
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