on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Awww, thanks ShintetsuWA. Jeez you guys are gonna make me start crying. I am very deeply touched.My, ninja31, It's you again. You are everywhere. 9.1/10
i am a ninja aren't i 9.5/10 (because you are awesome)
0Ooh man, you flatter me! :'/9.6/10
3/10 first time I've seen you.
hold on... wait a minute... i may have seen you... no, wait... it was a while ago... memory fading...it's been a while. 5/10
A gold lord with 1k posts gets a 5/10?Wow.Aaaaannnnnnyway, you get 6/10 for being....
A gold lord
I think you mean a soon-to-be duke!
Excellent number of posts for that rank and I've seen you around quite a bit. 9/10
second time i see you 7/10
bu! 1
bu! 2/10~
noh! 1.5
y iz i so low?You get 5/10.
i hay! 1.6
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