on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
I see you alot, you have a great post count, and your posts are usually very well constructed. 9.7/10
'Cept for the one I did below Pixie's. I kinda went psycho on that XD"Does this look like a Q to you? ...Well how 'bout now?"
can't say I haven't seen you...9.5/10
I've seen you around now and then. Nice profile and good post count.7.6/10
I also forgot to rate.... Man, maybe I should take a break from this thread for a day XDFst6, I dub you 9 points outta 10
the walrus test of shins DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNN 9.something/10
4.33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333.../10. AKA 4 1/3
you forgot the 9 sunnyoooorrriiiooonnn i feel like giving you an uneven 7 & 1/9
I forgot the 9 did I? Oh, I did. Here:9,141592654/10
sunnyb is pretty cool from what i have seen 9/10(can we quit with the decimels please? it ruins the score
Why thank you ninja31, I am touched.And since you asked nicely I will quit with the decimals.Apart from being a super ninja'er, I find you enjoyable.9/10
SunnyB, the new, but up-and-coming user whom I see more of every day7.2/10
ShintetsuWA has a pretty cool armatar9/10 (bonus for the wolf)
You'll get this and two other animal ones, once you get 750 AP =)Lesse here.... 7.4/10 works perfectly for right now!
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