on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Hmm, there are some times I'm on and I don't see you around, so you only get a 9.8/10. That's so low, isn't it? :P
I only noticed your existence recently~ 8/10.
:O That sounded kind of weird. Is it because of my recent dukitude?Hm, 8.2/10.
Your dukitude was a major figure in that You get kudos. 8.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001/10
i remember when you first joined 8.49/10
How do you remember when I firat joined, graham? 0.o 9.7/10, you iz famuss
because i was the first to comment on your profile that i've used that name except with a :P at the end on a different site+you joined near christmas, not very far in time8.5/10
oh yeah 9.7/10, |_|r /\\/\\04R #4/\\/\\0|_|5 |\\|40. 1337 #7\\/\\/
Tough choice really 9.314/10 you are Graham basically."My grandfather invented Cliff's Notes. It all started back in 1912... Well, to make a long story short ..."
Tough choice really 9.314/10 you are alt basically."My grandfather invented Cliff's Notes. It all started back in 1912... Well, to make a long story short ..."
7/10 I see you around.
10/10 Super Gret rank, with pleanty of post! xD
Nearly 200 posts, and iron knight. Uh, 7/10? A bit high? Nah.
Bleh Pazx gets 9/10
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