on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Hmmm, VERY frequent. And alot of popularity. A 10/10?
Low posts for that rank but your my friend and Lords a good rank so 9.4/10
hrm, very high posts, and ranks really don't matter. I give you a 6/10. You are in the forums alot, which is allways good.
Hello Mr. skater_kid_who_pwns full to the brim of fame so 9.314/10"Ever notice how irons have a setting for PERMANENT press? I don't get it..."
*spits out drink* A 6?Your crazy.Pixie you get 9.7/10
I'm new but your quite famous mabye *Cough*8/10
Sorry, but sense you just joined in all I gotta say a 0/10. Sorry man.
Skater 9/10
[/quote]I'm over 3000 ap away from queen...Anyways, thirteen posts is low (low low low low low low low) Stupid echos... 6/10,[quote]hey! I have been posting more in the forum games, not my fault they don't count those! Anyway...
I'm over 3000 ap away from queen...Anyways, thirteen posts is low (low low low low low low low) Stupid echos... 6/10,
hey! I have been posting more in the forum games, not my fault they don't count those! Anyway.
Only 13 posts... Never seen much of you... And I think you quoted your last post wrong.3/10
I know I can't figure it out
you mean the quote button? Like this?
You put the quotes around the stuff that the other person said. See? ^^^^
Roy, bad number of posts for your rank and Gold Squite isn't that good so 4/10
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