on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Hey, it's Mr. Walrus Attachment. . .10/10
back right at cha.... I guess. Walrus Attachment??9.2/10"Days until reaching wood prince: 214"
WA. . .stands for walrus attachment. . . .==========================See above. 10/10
Hia! 8.5/10 I see you a lot.
You're kindly new but you have an okay amount of posts for that rank. 5.4/10.
Pazx is a gurl?!?
Pazx, 9.2/10
Yeah for howlett!8/10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WATERMELON!!!!!!!!!!!.....Never mind.......
OMGZZ! I don't see you a lot but your a king.9/10
Seen you a bit but you are new so 6.314/10"I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast at any time." So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance."
hrm, I would have to say your a total loser, who i can't stand, who isn't famous, and obviously flames, and spams. o, wait....*squints* Pixie? O to the NOES!9.7 out of then...love your qoutes BTW
You are famous. And a good leader to the ZSC. 10/10
you recently became a grammar nazi 9.the music band KISS/10
Graham! -10/-10
He be Flippin' out!9/10
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