on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
6/10Really, I haven't seen you before and you have low posts.
Oh, hi Pazx. 9.9/10
YOU IS FAMOUS!9.5/10---------------------------------Rate meh higher than 4 >
6/104 is 4 losers :P
FOUR!!! ermm.... 9.2/10
9.9/10 for Shin! Superb number of posts for that rank and an awesome person as well.
fyrefox gets a 68/ 100
Hi, Xrunner! 9.9/10.
It's NotAnal! 8.9/10
It's. . .PAz! 9/10.
thisisnotanalt 8.8/10
*whispers* There's a legend going around. Apparently some beast got 6/10 from me > >
Pazx gets 8/10! Since she is the definition of all things awesome and epic.
Did you buy my dictionary?6.6/10
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