Yes i know the title sownds weird. Only 5 persons allowed, so be quick. This game is kinda like Path. You must look like this:
Name: Evolution type: Description(almost no importance): Evolution speed: Life: Speed:
There are 4 evolution types: Genetical adaptation: you evolve only if you are in danger, though you evolve very fast and changing your specie. start with 10 stat points. Artificial evolution: you evolve very very fast, but you are extremely weak. you have low stats and you change your specie just after making it perfect. start with 4 stat points Specie attudment: you evolve normal/fast withought changing your specie at all. this makes you particularily strong. start with 16 stat points undying being:you evolve so slow, it takes ages. but you change your specie each time you evolve. your stats are a little weak, but your life is certainly not. ou start with 5 stat points and 10 life planification: you evolve very precise in whatever you want. you evolve fast, have huge stats, and alwais change your specie. you are actually perfect, excepting something: every time you evolve you have a 33% chance to die. price of greatness. starts with 20 stat points
stat points are put in life, evolution speed and speed
They feed you and make experiences on you , so you develop faster. The government frees you and sends somebody to kill you a)Hide and say that my rap is cool b)Hide and say that my rap sucks c)Fight the enemy and say my rap rocks d)Fight and say my rap was a waste of existence
@necromancerhard to me to put up a storyline when you are cowards)
You live with the group and raise your reputation so much you can leave them. a)Leave them(of course) b)Stay there and wait like a nerd to evolve(bet you choose this one c)transform the group in a military sqad and build a fortress(usefull because you will finally evolve into homo sapiens sapiens(human, man)
You bite every being smaller than you in the jungle, 2 of them died. You will evolve tomorrow a)Sleep till tomorow b)Attack the beasts remaining c)Drink as much blood as you can
You failed. Chimpanzeez are too dumb to do that. Good to know that a)Make the group think that you are a god b)Leave this groop of brain-washed asses c)Try again(must be as smart as the alfa male to do that)