Yes i know the title sownds weird. Only 5 persons allowed, so be quick. This game is kinda like Path. You must look like this:
Name: Evolution type: Description(almost no importance): Evolution speed: Life: Speed:
There are 4 evolution types: Genetical adaptation: you evolve only if you are in danger, though you evolve very fast and changing your specie. start with 10 stat points. Artificial evolution: you evolve very very fast, but you are extremely weak. you have low stats and you change your specie just after making it perfect. start with 4 stat points Specie attudment: you evolve normal/fast withought changing your specie at all. this makes you particularily strong. start with 16 stat points undying being:you evolve so slow, it takes ages. but you change your specie each time you evolve. your stats are a little weak, but your life is certainly not. ou start with 5 stat points and 10 life planification: you evolve very precise in whatever you want. you evolve fast, have huge stats, and alwais change your specie. you are actually perfect, excepting something: every time you evolve you have a 33% chance to die. price of greatness. starts with 20 stat points
stat points are put in life, evolution speed and speed
@jalte: You killed half of the population, and then they used only bottled water. You evolved your virus-like part. a)Rest b)Try infecting the bottled water c)Involve in a bacteria(you will further evolve in a huge bacteria)
@bigbrain: Being a no-brain creature, you died several times and evolved doing this(sucks for you, though). You now are an amalgam(description on amorphous+). a)Divide in 2 b)Divide in 3(big chances to die again muahahaha) c)Start absorbing matter
@jalte: Dude, you thought too far off the box. How could you, in the name of a holy cow, virus bottled water? You are a no-brain thing too, i guess. a)Involve into a bacteria b)Kill people in the old-oschool fashion way(bite) c)Become a pacifist
@bigbrain(answer tomorrow): You absorbed matter(simplism is not lack of imagination, it is lack of time). a) Continue absorbing matter b) Try absorbing yourself(you may fall into a black hole, but that's another story) c) Purify yourself
Note: To fall into a black hole does not mean a black hole absorbed you, it means you transformed into a black hole.
Note for best fail pictures: [b]I failed at bolding this[/b] I am shure you're laughin'
@bigbrain(why didn't you touched the b key?): You purify yourself of imperfections, becoming a perfect sack of identic cells, all specialised in grouth. a)Purify again b)Anterior b c)Try building yourself organs