Hey guys I wanted to go ahead and announce the new ArmorWiki project we have been working on.It is a completely upgraded site.I originally was going to keep it a secret between the people working on it,but then I thought about it,and realized that the work needed to make it would take maybe a total of two weeks to finish if not more.If people didn't like the new site then it would have been bad to do all that work.Also this new site can support new html custom coding and such,so if you have some really nice html code you want to share in the creation of the site,then you could contribute with that.I mainly want to know what you guys think of the new site.Here is the link.
- please make a static background...moving background = BAD...it would greatly help with speed on slower computers and the movement response rate of the little box that always sticks to the bottom right of the screen...
- in all my years (2 :P) of working with website design, I've learned that a simple and easy to navigate design wins...and your website goes against my thinking...its too cluttered...
- and also, you know how the frame/border goes under the information on the website...well, i think that there should be a little bit of the frame visible on either side all through the page...it looks way more "done" and neater that way...
That's all i can think about now...what you should mainly try to focus on is trying to un-clutter it
And lastly, good job on doing it and by the way, did you do it on something like dreamweaver? or is spurz something like freewebs?
Well, some computers apparently block other free website makers like freewebs. I haven't heard of any that blocks spruz, and it's pretty popular. I think the AG pride website uses it.
I used to use freewebs, but I think I might try out spruz. I'd like to know which I can use for future reference.
ah ic...you see, i've never used spurz before...thus i do not know what its capabilities and limits are...and also, would you be kind and tell me which ones cannot be done in spurz?
and of course you are trying your best (not sarcastic :P)
- in all my years (2 :P) of working with website design, I've learned that a simple and easy to navigate design wins...and your website goes against my thinking...its too cluttered...
Spruz is always cluttered.
- and also, you know how the frame/border goes under the information on the website...well, i think that there should be a little bit of the frame visible on either side all through the page...it looks way more "done" and neater that way...
I don't how I could do that.
Some things we can do we just don't know, were not experienced with web programming, for we will always use the free version.
Um well that's a bit odd.I wish we could set the age limits our self though on these sites.I was thinking of making the background static again to help with slow computers,but if we can get some donations then we can upgrade the site to make it to where we can do alot more things with it,like for instance no ads,more modifiers(special upgrade features)word filters,& tons of other stuff.Right now though the main focus is to get it to look decent and get all of the stuff from the old site on there.OK I guess that's all there is to say for now.
@plokkey: did you make that frame?...cuz if you did, you could just enlarge the middle are and everything will be fine ... if not...well then never mind :P
@crimsonblade: i would donate to you guys if I had income...and I don't think my parents would be too thrilled :P