you got the powers. you have to discuise yourself. your family and friends are start to be curios. one day, one of them discover you. a gangster leader, lichuini D.J krolov {got them all!} kiddnape your friends and family. now you have to choose - he put every one of them in a diffrune volcano around the world. you have a hour to choose. who you choose? you wnat this responsibillty????
nooooooooooooooooooo! how could you?!?!?! how? dont you have a heart??? why?????????????????????? {know the sound in Rome total war, when your faction leader die? that how your corrupt sounded to me}
{and about your corruption - i meant a defence system against them, but what the heck, i knew the nazies were gays [not trieng to offend you gay comunity, no sarcasem]. and, ther is a say that i invent now, that say: they might be brown, they might be blue, no matter the color, this tyranozaur will eat you.}