Granted, and he used his extra time to cure cancer in some cave in Colorado. He is then assassinated and his research given to Putin. The Russian dictator uses this new power to take over the world in a month.
I wish more corruptions were given a story, like this last wish was.
Granted, but the way the wish was fulfilled forced a group of people to avoid a line of answering that would, could, and should be considered straightforward and funny. This group, or maybe some other group, is now being prodded to imply their case in a most circuitous fashion.
I wish for a 40 comic book series in which Loki teamed up with Joker. now THAT would almost be worth Buying! (as in, I do not buy comics.)
Granted, but upon hearing so much hype about it, you buy every edition of it you can find, and end up going broke (Just because you don't buy comic books, doesn't mean that you can't board the hype train)
Granted, but everyone now thinks you are a spy. You are promptly jailed and buried in the system for no less than 50 years. Bureaucracy stinks. (I wanted the next post to rhyme. I sounded indecisive to cause the next poster do to my will. called Reverse Psychology.)
I wish I could fully control a cloud that could rain an infinite amount of jelly beans.
Granted. Mars and Ares team up with Dionysus and Bacchus, and the 4 of them turn all weapons in the middle east into party supplies. Nukes become 2 hour fireworks displays, fist punches have the impact of marshmallow boxing gloves, and bullets become fire-able jelly beans. Wars become contests to see who will put on the biggest show this year, and all the world is invited.