This probably doesn't belong here, but I have no idea where I would ask something like this.
I need an original, easy to spell company name. Something that has not been used before and is easy to spell and remember.
I have been thinking about this for months, but I'm coming up with nothing. I have even asked others, but haven't really gotten anywhere.
The latest idea I had (which seemed pretty good) was Red Merit Studios, but that turned up too many Google results, and the name was taken at both Hotmail and Yahoo. An earlier one was PiSoft, but that was taken by some twenty different people, and sounded too much like a cuss word. :P
The name does not have to make any sense.
Any ideas? I'll give you credit in the next few credits for the help. I am going crazy here.
That's the spirit. I was worried that no one cared.
Good thinking. The planet names by themseleves are a little too common (I want people to be able to google the name and not have to sort through 30 pages of unrelated stuff) but if a simple adjective is added to the word, it becomes more original. For example, Fire Fox; two very common words that have nothing to do with eachother, yet when put together create an original, memorable word with a sweet logo.
I was surprised, but Attic Fanatic is taken, sadly. Otherwise it has a nice ring to it.
Even made up words work, as long as they are not too hard to spell or remember.
Since I tried to find a name for a company aswell, I know it's a hard thing to do. In my opinion such a name should be stuffed with symbols and meaningfull information. Therefore I don't have any specific words, but maybe I can give you some "tools" to think of something that is simple, original, but meaningfull aswell.
Make a list of terms that are fit for you, think of religion, hobby's, favorite games/movies, nicknames, pets (names), just personal stuff. You'll probably know what suits yourself best. If you find this out to be a difficult task, ask people close to you to do the same thing.
Try to find synonyms for these words or try to find a matching translation in latin or another ancient language. Take your time for this and just go wild with the endless possibilities of options.
Write the best results down somewhere and take some time to filter the best one out. At this stage other (close) persons can help you again.
But whatever you do, if you pick a name from Armorgames or finding one using the method above, YOU have to make the final decision and some people found that a hard thing to do.
Hmm for you in particular,I was thinking of something simple,yet sufficient.So I shall try to compile a few things here.
Binary Flash Studios(Binary studios and Flash Studios were both taken) Chainsaw Corridor Studios(kind of random) Water Whale Studios(Firefox's arch nemesis....just go with it) Dark Laser Studios(Black Light Studios is already taken) Gamers Gold Studios(Based off of the term "fools gold" Giant Soda Studios(Very Random) Anti-Boring Studios(No Comment)
More possibly to come in the future if you don't find a name you like yet.I hope you like them all.
Did you use any of my tips or one of the names that are posted throughout this topic? I'm curious if you already picked a name, and if you did: what the name is.
Very good suggestions, all of you. A few of them have gotten me thinking.
And thanks, Shadowmas, about the Latin idea. I think I will try to find some name I like and find the Latin translation and see how it turns out.
I will take a look at the current names more later, but this week I am very pressed for time.
If anyone can think of any more, please, keep them coming. New or imaginary words will most likely work best as people will not get 15,000 Google results when they search for the company name.
Also, if it helps, I will also be using the same name for my local computer repair and sales business, selling older yet working computers at discounts to seniors, and introducing the beauty of Linux to the masses. So if the name can work well with "... Repairs", that would be fantastic.