The topic says it all guess the above person's age.
I'm just going to guess, 12? 13?
Ferfer are you 15?
14-16, just from what I've seen of you.
I'd say 16 or 17. Mmmm, maybe 15. Naw probably 16-17.
13-15 is a nice bet. I don't know much about you, but from seeing you around the site it seems like you'll be in that age range.
Is it cheating since i already know?If i didn't know, i'd actually guess you much older than sixteen due to your maturity.So if i didn't know, i'd guess 20/21.
Hmm, you could be around your 18s...
Are you about fifteen or sixteen?
Hmm... You seem newer (though don't quote me)... I don't have much else to go off of.Are you 14?
I've already guessed yours right before that time I went inactive for a few weeks. So unless you've had a birthday recently, my guess is still right.
I know your age, and that's what I would guess from seeing how you act in the forums.16
I'll say 17. I think. Yeah I'll just stick with 17.
15? 16?
Sorry, I havent checked the thread for a while. And YES! Im 14. Profile? Right?
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