The topic says it all guess the above person's age.
You just told how old you are...14 lol...
I cheated and looked at your profile, but I was going to guess 13 because when someone says 'lol', they instantly seem younger to me...I have no clue why that is.
I know your age, but if I didn't I'd still guess that age.16
Seems like an adult +Played awhile to be a Gold-King = 19 years old
random guess: 8!!!!! jk just 14 or 15
less. now you know, probably.i need a hint from you
26 years but Lessy make you younger 20
13? That's my guess anyway
You didn't put a reason in either of your guesses and this is my first time seeing you, so 10-13.
I guess... 17-24
13 or 14 since you're quite new to the forums.
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