ForumsForum GamesZombie Resistance

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Yet another zombie RPG. Much like the other ones HOWEVER, zombies have already taken control. They roam the streets, looking for new stray prey. The remaining uninfected humans have created undergrounds bunkers where they have stayed hidden. Cameras above ground show zombies dying off because of lack of food. Now, a group of people have decided to go above ground, where they shall kill off as many zombies as possible whilst staying alive.
Chances of survival: 1%
Chances of pwning zombies: 100%

Please fill this form:
Weapon: Glock/short sword/Pack of normal plastic explosives
Backup weapon: Slingshot/baseball bat/bear trap
Job (before zombies ruled): Take your pick
Specialty: Medic/Sharpshot/Easyswing/Detenator

Medic: You can heal easily and know how to use first-aid kits real easy
Sharpshot: You're better with a ranged wep (glock/slingshot)
Easyswing: You can use your sword/bat faster and better.
Detenator: You place bombs and use them well.

You each start with 50HP before your immune system falls to the zombie poison.
You can find numerous items and survivors around and about.
You level when you do awsome things and/or you beat loads of zombies. Leveling refreshes your HP to full and gives you a new weapon. E.g. Glock->Desert Eagle->AK-47->M-16

4 people only. Extras shall be added to a list.

  • 116 Replies
1,925 posts

Name: Mc Loven
HP: 50/50
LV: 2
Weapon: M-16 standard army duty rifle
Backup weapon: Combat knife
Specialty: Easy swing
Survivors: Jennifer lvl2 sawn-off shotgun

462 posts

Name: Psy
HP: 30/50
Lvl : 2
Weapon: Deagle
Backup weapon: Baseball Bat
Specialty: Sharpshoot
Survivors: Scott, LVL 2, 2x Knives and Slingshot

Can i like look for something to shoot at, and hopefully it will fall on top of him. (Other wise i will wait)

1,053 posts

no u kinda cant lol. Unless you want to shoot at a cloud and hope gravity suddenly becomes stronger. Or you could try killing the opposite buildings foundations in the hope that they will die and the building will fall on the Colosso. When is there a detonator guy when you need one. That's why theres diffferent classes people

505 posts

Sweet deal, found a snip.

Name: Red
Wepon: Glock
B- Wepon: Baseball bat
Job: cop
Specialty: sharpshoot

A) Shoot it in the brain
If possible, I'll switch the sniper to my main wepon, and the glock to my B-weapon

505 posts

Ah, so our stories are sorta criss-crossing now, i thought we were in all different cities, but this is way cooler!

462 posts

Name: Psy
HP: 30/50
Lvl : 2
Weapon: Deagle
Backup weapon: Baseball Bat
Specialty: Sharpshoot
Survivors: Scott, LVL 2, 2x Knives and Slingshot

C) Wait and see what happens

229 posts

Name: Captain Plax
Weapon: Uzi X2
Backup Weapon: Knife
Job: Militai Captain
Specialty: Sharpshot
Supply level: 3
Level: 2

C) Hide and rest with the boy (Scott obv) more.

505 posts

Are you still working on this? It's been 2 days, atleast give us some info or heads up that it's coming. Sorry to be impation, but it's been 2 days without anything.

1,053 posts

ah flip! I hate switching between pages to see the choices. It's annoying. Sorry about all the waiting I'm making you guys do. I have GCSE IT and only very little time to do it! Annoying.
IMPORTANT I have now made the zombies and choices very hard in the fact that you guys are too good. I shall have to kill some of you. From now on there wil be one choice that will kill instantly and one that damages loads and one which does minimal or no damage. The last one if always safe (not D just the last in this list...)

Mc Loven quickly scrambles up a building and feels the wind hit him like a cinder block as he stands up to his full height. You look around and you see two buildings, each with their own person stood upon them. No point trying to communicate. This is serious businness. You Take a running leap to a building South of you and as you sail over the gap in the middle (you crazy man!) you fire straight. The Colosso is hit and turns around foolishly. It swipes it's hand across the building tops and you duck under its hand. You sense it come close and you slash out with your knife as it does. You easily hack into the flesh and some zombies come loose and fall on the floor in front of you! This things can release zombies! This gives you an idea (see if you can work it out!) YOu go onto one knee and aim...
Mc Loven
A) Fire continously over them.
B) Fire at the sides before taking the others CC.
C) Take them all CC.
D) Jump back the gap.

Red slowly takes aim and is about to pull the trigger when the Colosso spasms and turns around. It attacks with it's hand at another man on the other side! You decide to wait...wait...waaaait...FIRE! In slo-mo you would see the bullet travel and see the sharp point rip through the neck of a zombie and then through several others. The Colosso gives an ear-splitting roar and spasms uncontrollably. You can't take a better shot as now it's fallen over! You jump over the building and climb down to a small balcony. From here you take two more shots which enter its neck and knee. Zombies seem to be falling off the areas you shot and screaming at you and running at you. You are petrified as the zombies start climbing! You...
A) Pick them off the building.
B) CLimb up the building.
C) Stay where you are and wait for them so you can take them CC (Close Combat)
D) Switch back to glock (you can't have it as a second. Choose snipe or glock as your main. Your lucky because your still near it)

Psy stops and lowers his gun. You let the man do what he can and you soon see what. He fires and then falls. He's done for you think... You take your chance to do what you can and aim at the face and fire three bullets into the back of the head. Nothing happens except three zombies fall off. Your gun isn't of enough calibre to pierce it completely. You wait and see what will happen and something is exposed! You see a small blue light emanating from the edge of two zombie further into the head. You hear evil cackling coming and you...
A) Fire as best as you can into the light.
B) Fire like hell. More bullets=more chance.
C) Wait and see...
D) Climb down the building then up the Colosso.

Plax thanks the boy and heads to leave...You stop. You turn around. You go back to the boy and sit down. You're too tired to take on a colossal beast like that. You lay your head down and rest; leaving the boy to protect you...

You wake up to screaming! The boy has gotten up and is wielding two knives and keeping back 10 zombies! Where did they come from! You stand in front of the boy and...
A) Fire
B) First to come gets a head shot
C) Take them all down with you in CQS (Close Quarter Shooting. This will have some cool explanation and detail but...)
D) Stop. Take out your knife and get ready to whoop as*

462 posts

Name: Psy
HP: 30/50
Lvl : 2
Weapon: Deagle
Backup weapon: Baseball Bat
Specialty: Sharpshoot
Survivors: None


1,925 posts

Name: Mc Loven
HP: 50/50
LV: 2
Weapon: M-16 standard army duty rifle
Backup weapon: Combat knife
Specialty: Easy swing
Survivors: Jennifer lvl2 sawn-off shotgun

229 posts

A) Fire

Name: Captain Plax
Weapon: Uzi X2
Backup Weapon: Knife
Job: Militai Captain
Specialty: Sharpshot
Supply level: 3
Level: 2

505 posts

Name: Red
Wepon: Sniper
B- Wepon: Baseball bat
Job: cop
Specialty: sharpshoot

B) Climb up the building then shoot them
I'll keep the sniper as my main weapon.

1,053 posts

Phew, sorry about the lateness again guys. The amount of HW ppl give you these days is a crime in itself...

Psy aims, raising his gun in the usual cop way. You take careful aim down the sight and fire twice. You hear indistinct swearing and zombies start swarming from some random alleyway, climbing up the Colosso at the speed of light and covering up the gap. That was a revolutionary find in the zombie fighting front.
A) Repeat your last two actions (Shoot zombies shoot light)
B) Check on Scott, he could be in trouble.
C) Shoot the ______ (diff part of body)
D) Stay and see what is to come.

Mc Loven expertly goes to the floor onto one knee and aims. He slowly goes round to the leftmost zombie and pulls the trigger. You hear an empty click. "WHHAAAAAAT!?" you shout! This is preposterous. Why the hey didn't you check for ammo! This is greatly disturbing and you would have proved your colourful vocabulary a bit more but right now you have a problem.
Mc Loven
A) Run back to Jenny; she has a gun with ammo in it!
B) Start beating up those idiots with your knife (nice description...)
C) Go fist fighting whilst also using your empty stupid rifle (grrr)
D) Jump a rooftop.

Plax shoulders into the way of Scott and takes aim. You're still tired but you can still shoot a group of zombies in front of you. You open fire and zombies are mowed down by your onslaught of bullets. They go down twitching and you lower your uzis. You suddenly hear snarling and you turn around to see a zombie rugby tackling your face! You hear Scott shout your name out but your too busy rolling round the floor trying to keep a zombie off from biting your neck. (-20HP btw this is the fall off the Colosso and the rugby tackle) You finally double kick the zombie off and you stand up. The zombie charges you once more and it stops and falls vertically. As it falls you see a glint of two knives protruding from it's neck. You smile at Scott who picks up his knives which are dripping with blue blood (Zombies do not use oxygen and they have become so used to not having red (oxygenated) blood that their DNA has made their blood completely die off and now it is completely blue, oxygenated air or not)
A) Rest more.
B) Tell Scott to stay whilst you climb a building.
C) Climb a building with Scott.
D) Climb the Colosso with/without Scott.

Red quickly clambers up the building, fear and adrenaline driving him on. He reaches the top with seconds to spare and you spin around and throw yourself to the floor looking down ready to shoot. As your vision focuses you see a zombie head magnified loads in front of you through your sights. You glimpse a piece of steel chip (technological) in the nose before the zombie takes hold of your shoulders and pulls you down. You instinctively shoot anyways and the rifle and you are splattered with blue blood as you and the zombie fall. The zombie falls straight down but you hit several balconies before reaching the bottom. You had a soft landing and you get up slowly looking up to see the Colosso staring down at you.
Red (you still have your rifle)
A) Run.
B) Run faster.
C) Run as fast as possible.
D) Shoot randomly into its body.

After rereading my paragraphs I have realised that my point of views (first person 2nd person 3rd person etc) are extremely bad as is my grammar. I apologise for any inconvenience caused by this. Statements of insult or disgust do not affect your statutory rights.

505 posts

Name: Red
Wepon: Sniper
B- Wepon: Baseball bat
Job: cop
Specialty: sharpshoot

C) Run as fast as possible, I'f I'm lucky i may be able to get out with only minor wounds.

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