ForumsForum GamesZombie Resistance

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Yet another zombie RPG. Much like the other ones HOWEVER, zombies have already taken control. They roam the streets, looking for new stray prey. The remaining uninfected humans have created undergrounds bunkers where they have stayed hidden. Cameras above ground show zombies dying off because of lack of food. Now, a group of people have decided to go above ground, where they shall kill off as many zombies as possible whilst staying alive.
Chances of survival: 1%
Chances of pwning zombies: 100%

Please fill this form:
Weapon: Glock/short sword/Pack of normal plastic explosives
Backup weapon: Slingshot/baseball bat/bear trap
Job (before zombies ruled): Take your pick
Specialty: Medic/Sharpshot/Easyswing/Detenator

Medic: You can heal easily and know how to use first-aid kits real easy
Sharpshot: You're better with a ranged wep (glock/slingshot)
Easyswing: You can use your sword/bat faster and better.
Detenator: You place bombs and use them well.

You each start with 50HP before your immune system falls to the zombie poison.
You can find numerous items and survivors around and about.
You level when you do awsome things and/or you beat loads of zombies. Leveling refreshes your HP to full and gives you a new weapon. E.g. Glock->Desert Eagle->AK-47->M-16

4 people only. Extras shall be added to a list.

  • 116 Replies
1,925 posts

Name: Mc Loven
HP: 50/50
LV: 2
Weapon: M-16 standard army duty rifle
Backup weapon: Combat knife
Specialty: Easy swing
Survivors: Jennifer lvl2 sawn-off shotgun

462 posts

Name: Psy
HP: 30/50
Lvl : 2
Weapon: Deagle
Backup weapon: Baseball Bat
Specialty: Sharpshoot
Survivors: None


229 posts

Name: Captain Plax
Weapon: Uzi X2
Backup Weapon: Knife
Job: Militai Captain
Specialty: Sharpshot
Supply level: 3
Level: 2
A) Rest more.

1,053 posts

Ugh, I hate switching between pages to see options...

Red instantly gathers his thoughts and starts running to the nearest building. The colosso tries to stamp on you but it misses and instead you fall over because of the trmeors the foot caused. You scramble back up and the process repeats itself thrice more, the stupid lumbering behemoth... YOu squeeze into a gap left betweeen ttwo buildings and slowly step by step get to the middle. You feel you're safe and...
A) Rest some more.
B) Try to maneuver your gun and shoot the COlosso.
C) Come out the other side and get a vantage point to shoot at the Colosso.
D) Come out the other side and leave this whole Colosso business!

Psy aims again and starts shooting at the base of the skull. It punctures through the zombies but more instantly come and cover before you see the light again... You give up trying to find the light again it will just be a waste of ammo on your part. You sit down against a wall protruding from the ceiling, you get your thoughts together and...
A) AIm at a diff. part. (_______)
B) Try again at the neck.
C) CLimb down the building.
D) Rest and look around for some stuff.

You give a slight groan and fall on your bum before lieng backward on to the floor, knees up and arms splayed out to your sides. You close your eyes and fall into a troubled sleep of zombies and blood. You wake up feverish, and decide to gobble up some supplies to keep your stamina up... After eating and relieving yourself you look around you and think...
A) Come back out to face the Colosso.
B) Rest more (-1 supply level.
C) Go back away from the whole Colosso business.
D) Talk around with Scott on tactics and plans.

Mc Loven shoulders past the zombies before they can get a hold on him and runs fast...very fast. You (change of stupid perspective...) jump of 2 feet before the edge of the building and realising you're not goingn to make it aim at a pipe running down the length of the building as was your original plan. You grab on and with searing hands (caused by friction) you slide down. You land on your feet but the collision makes you fall over anyways. You get up and run to the bin where you swap Jenny's sawn-off for your rifle.You stop and...
Mc Loven
A) Wait for the zombies to get down...
B) Climb back up
C) Climb up a different building.
D) Wake Jenny up and run away from the COlosso.

462 posts

D)look around for some stuff.

229 posts

A) Come back out to face the Colosso.

1,925 posts

Name: Mc Loven
HP: 50/50
LV: 2
Weapon: M-16 standard army duty rifle <--- switched for now
Backup weapon: Combat knife ^
Specialty: Easy swing |
Survivors: Jennifer lvl2 sawn-off shotgun <---- switched for now

505 posts

Name: Red
Wepon: Sniper
B- Wepon: Baseball bat
Job: cop
Specialty: sharpshoot

C) Get the advantage point to the Colosso and shoot it.

229 posts


1,053 posts

Psy stands up and looks round to see what else there is. Well well well... Would you look at that! This used to be a secret military HQ and you drag a minigun out of a secure shed. You get it ready by the edge of the wall and stuff all the ammo in.
A) Shoot at the head as if there is no tomorrow. Which there probably won't be unless you do this.
B) Shoot at the legs to make it fall over.
C) Shoot at the chest.
D) Wait for a better oppurtunity.

Plax comes out to face Colosso.It's kinda occupied and you quickly think of some opportunities.
A) Climb up it.
B) Climb up halfway to the arms.
C) Climb to the hip where there seems to be something protruding from it's sides (not between the legs -_-)
D) Wait for oppurtunity.

Mc Loven shakes Jenny hard and she wakes up stirring. She gets up and follows you without questioning. You run and run away from the buildings back to the mall. You stop and rest a bit before a swarm of 100, yep more or less 100 zombies start rushing at you. You get Jenny behind you (no ammo) as you ready your shotgun.
Mc Loven
A) Run past them, fighting like hey swinging your shotgun and Jennys rifle to swat them aside.
B) Shoot. Shoot shoot shoot and shoot!
C) RUn away AND shoot XD
D) RUn away.

Red keeps going on. You come out the other side and suddenly see the Colosso peering at you from between the gap! You open fire and the bullet pierces the eyes. It seems to go straight through and you feel the bullet ricochet off a building on the other side. You fire another one but it misses as the Colosso rises in pain and you see a bright blue light as some zombies fall off from the brain area.
A) Shoot again at any visible area.
B) Shoot again randomly.
C) Run straight back through at the Colosso and jump at the light!
D) Run straight back through and try to get round the Colosso.

1,925 posts

Name: Mc Loven
HP: 50/50
LV: 2
Weapon: M-16 standard army duty rifle <--- switched for now
Backup weapon: Combat knife ^
Specialty: Easy swing |
Survivors: Jennifer lvl2 sawn-off shotgun <---- switched for now

462 posts

Name: Psy
HP: 30/50
Lvl : 2
Weapon: Deagle
Backup weapon: Baseball Bat
Specialty: Sharpshoot
Survivors: None


505 posts

Name: Red
Wepon: Sniper
B- Wepon: Baseball bat
Job: cop
Specialty: sharpshoot

A) Shoot at the visible area again

229 posts

Name: Captain Plax
Weapon: Uzi X2
Backup Weapon: Knife
Job: Militai Captain
Specialty: Sharpshot
Supply level: 3
Level: 2


1,053 posts

Mc Loven faces the crowd and as you see Jenny behind you already running (her nerve must have broken) you start firing. Since the zombies are so bunched up together you take out about 5 with each shot. The zombie horde begins to diminish and for some reason they're just walking forward slowly, no running no clawing or biting yet... You can see the entrance to the mall and you surmise that you can reach it if you make a run for it.
Mc Loven
A) Just run away
B) Continue tactic
C) Run into the mall
D) Start meleeing and shooting when you can at them.

Red keeps shooting as fast as this rifle will allow. You hear zombies falling off and the occasional thud as a big chunk comes off. After your thirtieth shot you hear empty clicks coming from the gun...
A) Work some gun modifying magic.
B) Look around for another gun/ammo
C) *Sigh* and run away from this whole COlosso business, you've done what you can.
D) Go through the gap and start meleeing the foot with your secondary weapon.

Plax waits and waits. You hear gunshots now protruding through thesilence of zombie groans and shouts. There are the others fighting with you! Your hopes are up and you think about how you can best take this down. Living things, yes this isn't one but it more or less functions like one. There are weak points... Brain, heart, knees and other joints... You can disable it by taking out the legs... You could render it useless by taking out the limbs... You could use your size to your advantage and climb it...
A) Climb it
B) GO for weak points
C) Hack at limbs.
D) Run away.

Psy secures the miniturret in against the wall and takes careful aim at the base of the skull. You unleash a small burst but the Colosso's ducked! It hears the oncoming fire and stands up to its full height and looks at you. You close down on the trigger once more and the bullets claw and hack at the monstrosities face. You see the blue light apearing all over the face and you hear a terrible screaming. Human screaming. As the screams die out and you continue blowing the hey out of what remains of its head. You stop as your ammo starts to run out. The Colosso has gonelimp and hangs there...motionless...
A) Take adv. of this and blow the rest of it to bits.
B) Go down and find Scott.
C) Celebrate.
D) Go down, climb up the COlosso and find out what was going on with this Colosso business.

Showing 91-105 of 116